Host an Intern

Let Arlington Employment Center Introduce You to Your Future Workforce

Work experience provides individuals who are unemployed or underemployed with the opportunity to gain relevant work experience and improve their economic outlook.  Arlington Employment Center provides employers with the opportunity to observe the skills and work ethic of an intern before making a hiring decision, while receiving up to 300 hours of unpaid labor.

Participating interns are screened for skills and interests, and are very motivated, eager, and willing to work.  The Arlington Employment Center pays the interns directly for their participation. Many of the interns are credentialed through industry-recognized training programs, which enhances their competitiveness in the workforce.

The employer provides:

  • A meaningful work experience for up to 30 hours per week for 10 weeks
  • Feedback on the intern's work performance 

The employer receives:

  • An intern who is paid by the Arlington Employment Center for their participation in the work experience
  • Ongoing intern management support from the Arlington Employment Center
  • The opportunity to provide current employees with management experience
  • A chance to hire interns into permanent positions
  • Enhanced workplace diversity

For more information, contact at (703) 228-1412.