Continuing Education Programs

The Arlington Employment Center offers training programs and tuition assistance to support residents’ continuing education needs.

Career Counseling & Tuition Assistance Programs

To see if you are eligible for financial support to enroll into a certification training program, click here.

Child Development Associate Training Program

An Early Childhood Education Professional is one of the fastest growing in-demand occupations. The Arlington Employment Center’s Child Development Associate Training Program (CDA) includes classroom instruction, work experience, professional portfolio development and preparation for credentialing exam. Click here to learn more

Skill-Up City of Alexandria and Arlington County

Through a partnership with Metrix Learning, City of Alexandria and Arlington County are offering FREE online training for our residents. Alexandria/Arlington’s virtual training offers 5,500+ career readiness trainings, occupational skills trainings, career pathways trainings and more. To learn more and participate in this free service, go to