Veterans Services


Job Hunting As A Veteran


The Arlington Employment Center offers priority service for Veterans and eligible spouses who need career transition assistance. We understand the unique challenges faced by Veterans as they transition to the civilian workforce.

We help you:

  • Conduct a self-assessment to identify skills and abilities marketable and transferable to the civilian labor market.
  • Use military skills translators available online to understand how your skills translate to employer needs and to use civilian workplace terminology in your application.
  • Market yourself from an authentic place – identify what you have enjoyed doing the most and identify targeted positions that are the best match for you – to be a more impressive and enthusiastic candidate.
  • Conduct career intelligence gathering – learn as much as you can about your targeted employer – is the mission interesting?  What are their challenges and how can you address them?  What does the hiring official want to accomplish by filling this position?
  • Position and brand yourself – list your top competencies in your qualification summary to support why you are in expert, what you have done, and specific examples of how well you have done that work.
  • Strategic networking – identify targeted employers for informational interviews to market yourself directly to hiring officials before positions are announced. Identify those who have your targeted job and network with them.
  • Understand the importance of communicating your accomplishments to employers related to the key skills and characteristics they are seeking to meet their needs – make employers want to hire you.
  • Understand and prepare your resume for applicant screening processes in all sectors – including Applicant Tracking Systems. Employers know everything about you before you apply.
  • Understand the importance of using social media to exponentially strengthen and expand your job search.
  • Understand and use federal Veteran hiring preferences.

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