Connect With Kids & Do for Kids Champions


In 2004, APCYF launched a campaign to recognize individuals, groups and businesses as Connect with Kids Champions, identifying those who took the time to build positive, supportive relationship with young people.

APCYF did this to emphasize a simple, but very powerful idea: Children and teens need caring adults other than their parents in their lives. In 2018, the Partnership added the Do For Kids Champions award to recognize and honor people or groups who have demonstrated a powerful commitment to youth and young people by providing opportunities, supports or resources, but without having necessarily developed direct relationships with the youth.

Meet Champions from 2004-Present.

DID YOU KNOWAccording to the Search Institute, a young person who has 3 (or more) positive, non-parent adults in his or her life will be more likely to make healthy life choices. Surprisingly, only half of Arlington teens have that. Anyone can Connect With Kids!

Advice from Teens to Adults

  • LOOK AT US. Make eye contact.
  • SPEND TIME TALKING WITH US. Ask open-ended questions. Build on the conversation.
  • LISTEN. Pay attention. Don’t multi-task or get distracted when you’re with us. Respond to our messages and texts.
  • BE DEPENDABLE. Do what you say you’re going to do.
  • SHOW APPRECIATION FOR WHAT WE DO. Give compliments. Show that you’re glad to see us or hear from us. Send us personalized cards.
  • RELAX. Don’t feel like you have to be on guard.
  • SHOW THAT YOU’RE INTERESTED. Attend our concerts, games, and other events. Ask us to show you what we can do.
  • LAUGH WITH US (AND AT YOURSELF). Laugh at our jokes. Show us your humor.
  • SHOW THAT YOU’RE CONFIDENT IN US. Let us know you’re convinced that
    we can do things.
  • ASK US TO HELP YOU. Ask us for our ideas. Share your own, too.
  • CHALLENGE US. Teach us what you know. Push us to do our best.

By Peter C. Scales, Ph.D., Eugene C. Roehlkepartain,& Peter L. Benson, Ph.D.
Copyright ©2010 Best Buy Children’s Foundation & Search Institute