Research Evaluation and Dissemination

Works to support the research activities of APCYF. Meets as needed, at Sequoia. Contact the Data Coordinator at 703-228-1683.

Data Committee

Our Purpose

The APCYF Research Evaluation and Dissemination (READ) committee is responsible for guiding the collection of survey data; specifically the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and the Your Voice Matters survey.

We also work to effectively disseminate our findings to help advance the Partnership’s engagement and advocacy goals. The intersection of research, engagement, and advocacy is seen most visibly in the APCYF Community Report. The Community Report helps the community use the data more intentionally, targeting areas or populations that are in most need. This data-informed approach helps move us from one-size-fits-all attempts to address issues (equality) to needs-based strategies (equity).

History of the READ committee

This work began in 1998 with the acknowledgement that good data was necessary in order to have informed decisions about Arlington’s children and youth. The first surveys administered by APCYF to Arlington youth were the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and the Developmental Assets survey in 2001. These results, along with additional community data, were summarized in the first Community Report in 2003.

Past reports include:

Current reports and links can be found here:


Membership includes community members; Arlington Public School student services, evaluation, and other program staff; Department of Human Services public health, quality assurance and child and family services division staff; other Arlington County staff; and local non-profit staff. Full list of contributions made on the 2019 Community Report can be found in the full report.

Get Involved

The Data Committee typically meets quarterly, usually the 1st or 2nd Friday of a selected month from 10:30am-12:30pm. It is open to anyone interested in using data and research to improve the lives of Arlington’s children, youth, and families. Please contact Rebecca Hjelm to be added to the email list for announcements about upcoming meetings.