READY Coalition
READY Arlington’s coalition to Reduce and Eliminate Alcohol and Drug-use by Youth. The coalition ended in 2018. READY on Facebook.
Community members, school and county staff, committed to identifying the risk factors teens in Arlington face related to underage drinking, marijuana and other substance use, and help them make healthier choices. Past Events included:
Support Teens / READY to Listen
Tips & strategies about keeping teens safe AND about having successful conversations on potentially tricky topics. Attendees have the opportunity to learn & practice (with teens!) meaningful conversations about drugs, alcohol, vaping (and other things too), presentation slides from Yorktown High School.
Mission Possible
Arlington’s READY Coalition to reduce teen alcohol and drug use, APCYF, and the Arlington DHS – Child and Family Services received a grant to help reduce substance use.
Signs of youth substance use – what to be aware of and look for, Tips for talking to middle schoolers about substance use, ways to help them stay safe, Arlington’s Second Chance substance abuse education and intervention program
Marijuana Town Hall: What’s the Big Deal
Actually quite a bit. A panel on marijuana risks for youth and some concerns from different perspectives. Included on the panel is an ER doctor from INOVA Fairfax, a scientist from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, an Arlington County Police Officer who works in our schools and a young man with extensive experience with marijuana use in Northern Virginia.
Marijuana Harmless? Think Again...
How do parents, teens and community members know the truth about today’s marijuana? Hear personal stories and local professionals presenting on the impact marijuana can have on the developing teen brain, academics, mental wellness and more.
HAZE: The Movie
An award-winning film to educate parents and students about the dangers of alcohol and binge drinking. The film contains graphic images but is a must-see for all parents, their college-bound kids, and anyone who is concerned about the dangers of underage and high-risk drinking. The documentary Haze tells Gordie’s story within the greater context of alcohol abuse and hazing on campus. The program will spark in-depth conversations about alcohol, “rites of passage,” and traditions. It will motivate audience members to intervene before an alcohol emergency occurs.