
FY 2023 PLACE Grant Guidelines



In June 2019, the Arlington County Board unanimously adopted Enriching Lives: Arlington Arts and Culture Strategy(PDF, 5MB), the culmination of a lengthy process that involved representatives of Arlington Arts organizations, the Arlington County Cultural Affairs Division, the Commission for the Arts, and several community civic, educational, and business leaders.

Enriching Lives sets forth a vision for arts and culture in Arlington, a set of key values, and five aspirational goals (with related strategies) that provide a guiding framework for a thriving artistic and cultural community that supports Arlington’s sense of place and civic identity.

The strategy’s second goal, “Invest in a vibrant, equitable, sustainable and evolving arts and culture ecosystem,” emphasizes the importance of a strong arts infrastructure, including “venues, organizations, programs, [and] funding, as well as the networks and relationships that underpin the sector.” It notes the importance of supporting and celebrating “creative excellence among artists, arts organizations, businesses, community and education institutions, and County staff.”

Enriching Lives also aligns with the following goals set forth in the Policy for the Support of Arts Organizations and Artists(PDF, 103KB):

  1. To create a climate within the County that is conducive to the growth and development of Arlington’s artists and arts organizations through public and private support.
  2. To foster the development of excellence and diversity in the arts, ensuring that a varied program of cultural activities is available to satisfy the interests of Arlington’s citizens.
  3. To guarantee to all Arlington artists and arts organizations an open and fair policy which assures equal access to County arts resources.
  4. To encourage development of public/private partnerships in support of the arts.


In January 2021, The Arlington Commission for the Arts adopted its first official statement on equity(PDF, 176KB).  It is the goal of the Commission to acknowledge and dismantle any inequities within our policies, systems,

programs, and services. Thus ensuring that all residents — including but not limited to those who have been historically underrepresented, underserved, underfunded based on race/ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geography, citizenship status or religion—are represented in the development of arts policy; the support of artists; the nurturing of accessible, thriving venues for expression; and the fair distribution of programmatic, financial, and informational resources.


Who’s Who in the Arts Grant-Making Process

The Arlington Commission for the Arts (Commission) is a volunteer citizen’s group appointed by the Arlington County Board (Board). The Commission advises the County on policy and program development, oversees grants programs included in the County annual operating budget,  public art programs, advocates for the arts in Arlington and acts as a liaison between the arts community and the Board. All Commission meetings are open to the public.

The Arlington Cultural Affairs Division (CAD) operates within Arlington Economic Development (AED), which is a part of Arlington County government. Our mission is to create, support, and promote the arts, connecting artists and community to reflect the diversity of Arlington.

We do this by:

  • Providing material support to artists and arts organizations in the form of grants, facilities and technical assistance;
  • integrating award-winning public art into our built environment;
  • and presenting high quality performing, literary, visual and new media programs across Arlington.

CAD’s Grants Office administers the annual Arts Grants Program on behalf of the Commission. All communications with the Grants Office should be made through




About the program




It is our goal to invest in a thriving and equitable arts community in Arlington by supporting Arlington based artists and organizations from communities that face barriers to art services and resources.


With the allocation of these funds, the County Board reinforces the grantmaking priorities of the Arts Commission and Cultural Affairs staff, providing opportunities consistent with the Commission’s Equity Statement on arts in Arlington.


This is a competitive grant program that will support community-initiated projects related to Arlington’s history, built environment, and/or cultural heritage that will reinforce the goals of the Arts Commission and enhance Arlington’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.  This grant seeks proposals that are at the intersection of arts, culture and heritage with the goal to provide arts opportunities to communities that have had less access to arts programming, education, and other art services.   Arlington's historic communities are a critical priority for this funding.


The Arts Commission will support projects that:

  • Enhance equity, diversity, and inclusion by presenting programs that advance the understanding of Arlington neighborhood history and cultural practices.
  • Increase the capacity and economic impact of artists and art groups from historic communities.
  • Have significant impact on the community and advance cultural equity in Arlington;
  • Result in distinctive, high quality, and meaningful arts and/or cultural experiences in Arlington; and
  • Foster community partnerships and advance the vision and values of the Arts Commission.



Successful applicants will receive grant support in the amount of $15,000. Matching funds are not required. Examples of eligible projects could include the following:

  • Historic research;
  • Documentation of historic resources, stories, and/or experiences;
  • Oral histories;
  • Multimedia, radio, or film programs
  • Written publications and/or brochures about an aspect of Arlington’s architectural or cultural history;
  • Digitization projects and/or creation of digital products (i.e., story maps, apps, timelines, websites, etc.);
  • Art and Cultural programs, workshops, or events
  • Educational activities (i.e., lectures, workshops, interpretive programs of public art, architecture, and other iconic features of the community);





To be eligible applicants can be the following:


  1. Any individual that lives in or any entity that owns property in Arlington County;
  2. An institution, community group, and/or organization that serves Arlingtonians;
  3. A civic/citizen and/or homeowner’s association; or
  4. A 501(c)(3) organization.


    An applicant may not:

    1. Have violated any requirements or conditions imposed by the Commission in any previous grant period;
    2. Be employed by Arlington County;
    3. Apply for support of a project that is being done as part of a degree requirement for an educational program;
    4. Be younger than 18 years of age.



    Applications for a FY23 PLACE Grant will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

    Quality of the Proposed Project (30% of score):

    1. What is the overall purpose of the project?
    2.  What are the specific project goals?
    3. How will the project outcomes be measured to determine success?

    Equity and Inclusion (40% of score):

  1.  Will this project serve a historically marginalized community?
  2. How will the project foster racial/cultural equity in Arlington?

Community Impact (20% of score):

  1. How will the project benefit your community as well as the greater Arlington Community?
  2. How will the project engage and impact a diverse range of voices and/or participants in Arlington?

Managerial Competence (10% of score):

  1. What is the work plan/timeline for completing the project?
  2. What are the qualifications of the individuals who will undertake the project?
  3. Applicants will be required to submit a budget for the project.

The Grant includes the following:

  • A $15,000 grant
  • Free access to all Arts Enterprise classes for the duration of the grant period
  • A feature on the Arlington Arts website promoting your program, if applicable
  • Social media promotion on the Arlington Arts social media channels, if applicable

Each project must include an activity open to the public, such as a public performance, exhibition, workshop, podcast, informal talk or presentation (virtual or in-person).



    Applicants must submit complete and accurate materials and meet all deadlines as specified in these Guidelines and Appendix C. Late or inaccurate applications may be penalized or ineligible for an award.

    The application process is electronic. To complete this process, you will need to utilize a computer or other electronic device with internet access.

    Direct any questions to the Grants Office at All applications are public record. You may download a copy of your completed application in Slideroom; keep a complete copy for your file.  Below are the steps that all applicants must take to apply.

    Optional Pre-submittal Consultation with the CAD Grant Administrator  - Due: Friday, March 31, 2023, by 5:00 P.M.

    All individuals/organizations applying for a grant may schedule an optional pre-submittal consultation with the CAD Grant Administrator by Friday, March 31, 2023, by 5:00 P.M., to discuss the project prior to finalizing their application. The purpose of this optional consultation is to assist applicants with understanding the application process and to answer their questions. Whether applicants choose to have a consultation will not bear any outcome on submitted applications or the awarding of grants. Also, specific office hours can be scheduled if assistance is needed to submit an online application. 


    Apply for a Grant - Due: Friday, April 28, 2023, by 11:59 P.M.

    1. Follow the link found on
    2. Create an account on Slideroom following the directions provided on the website.
    3. Complete the PLACE Grant Application via Slideroom and submit the application by Friday, April 28, 2023, by 11:59 P.M.
    4. Late applications will not be accepted.


    The Grants Office reviews all applications for accuracy and completeness and may make reasonable attempts to contact the applicant with questions.

    1. The County Board reviews the Commission’s recommendations and makes its final award determination at the next County Board Meeting.

    Eligible and complete applications are competitively evaluated by Arts Commission in a public meeting – date and time will be announced on the Arlington Arts website and emailed to all applicants.


    Failure to comply with any of the following requirements and conditions may result in a grant being delayed or revoked and the applicant may be made ineligible for a future grant.


    A grantee awarded County support must agree to include the following credit in season brochures, programs, web pages, and other appropriate printed and digital material: “This program is supported in part by Arlington County through Arlington Cultural Affairs, a division of Arlington Economic Development, and the Arlington Commission for the Arts.”

    A link to must also be placed on the organization’s or individual’s website.

    Adherence to County Laws, Codes, Regulations, and Policies

    All grantees must abide by applicable County laws, codes (e.g. zoning, health, safety, etc.), regulations, and policies. Approval by the Commission shall not be interpreted as approval by other County departments. The grantee is responsible for identifying all laws, codes, regulations, and policies applicable to its project or activity, and for assuring compliance with those requirements. Grantees must also comply with the following:

    Title VI, Section 601, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which states that no person shall be subject to discrimination or excluded from participation on the grounds of race, color or national origin, and; 

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which states that no otherwise qualified person shall be subject to discrimination or excluded from participation solely by reason of the person’s handicap.

    If any project is proposed to occur on privately-owned property, the project must comply with the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance. A letter of permission, proof of ownership, and/or any needed permits will be required for grant projects on private property.


    No part of any Arlington County Arts Grant may be used for any activity intended to influence a member of the County Board, a member of the Commission, Arlington Cultural Affairs Division staff, or a member of the Advisory Panel.

    Record Keeping

    Grantees are required to maintain accurate and complete financial records and provide the Commission and appropriate County staff access to those records.

    The Commission will then forward its recommendations to the County Board. The Grants Office sends an Award Notification Letter after the Commission meeting to all applicants notifying them if the Commission is or is not recommending them to the Arlington County Board for a grant.

    REPORTING PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS After the County Board makes its final award determinations applicants receive a Letter of Agreement and may be required to fill out additional forms.

     Failure to comply with any of the reporting procedures and requirements below may result in a grant being delayed and/or revoked and the applicant may be made ineligible for a future grant.


Any material changes to the scope of activities, timeline, or budget of a program for which a grant was awarded must be approved by the Commission prior to undertaking the changes. Contact the Grants Office at for assistance in this matter.

Final Report

The Commission requires that grantees submit a Final Report within 30 days of the end of the funded program. Final Report forms can be accessed at that do not submit a final report may not be eligible for future grants.

Dates of Program Presentation

Advanced notice is required for public presentations. Performance dates must be received at least 30 days prior to the public presentation. Email dates to


Appendix A. Responsibilities of Parties


Responsibilities of all parties involved in the FY 2023 PLACE Grants process are summarized below. Please contact the Cultural Affairs Division (CAD) Grants Office for additional information at


  1. Responsibilities of the Arlington County Board:
    • 1.1.Considering the Commission’s recommendations for grant awards
    • 1.2.Appropriating funds and County-owned or managed resources


  2. Responsibilities of the Commission:
    • 2.1.Forwarding approved award recommendations to the Arlington County Board
    • 2.2.Considering appeals and making appeal determinations
    • 2.3.Objectively evaluating and scoring grant applications
    • 2.4.Recusing themselves from the evaluation of an application if there exists a conflict of interest


  3. Responsibilities of the Grants Committee:
    • 3.1.Overseeing the development of the grant guidelines, grant application and evaluation process


  4. Responsibilities of the CAD Grants Office:
    • 4.1.Development of Grant program
    • 4.2.Managing and providing information about the grant-making process
    • 4.3.Conducting grants preparation workshops
    • 4.4.Reviewing application materials for timeliness, accuracy, completeness, and eligibility
    • 4.5.Facilitating the grant award process


  5. Responsibilities of Applicants:
    • 5.1.Reading the Grant Guidelines.
    • 5.2.Understanding all requirements of the grant application and award process. Not understanding the requirements of the application and awards process is not grounds for appeal.
    • 5.3.Meeting all deadlines in the application and awards process. If deadlines are missed, the application will not be considered for an award and/or the award may be revoked. See Appendix C. for more information.
    • 5.4.Providing accurate information on grant applications. Inaccurate or false information is grounds for immediate rejection of an application, revocation of an award, and loss of eligibility to apply for a grant in the future.
    • 5.5.Immediately notifying the Grants Office at of any changes to contact information. The Grants Office is not responsible for missed or lost communications sent to applicants and/or grantees if the applicant or grantee submitted incorrect information or failed to immediately update their contact information.


Appendix B. Definitions

If there are any terms in these Guidelines or application forms that are not listed below or that need clarification, please contact the Cultural Affairs Grants Office at


Applicant: An individual or organization that has filed an application with the Arlington Commission for the Arts for the FY 2023 grant period.

Application: An Arlington Arts Grants application from an eligible organization or individual artist in the form specified by these Guidelines.

Arts Grants: Grants for direct funding.

Authorizing Official: Name of person with authority to legally obligate the applicant.

Commission: The Arlington Commission for the Arts.

County: Arlington County, Virginia.

County Board: The Arlington County Board of Arlington County, Virginia.

County Support: Support from Arlington County in the form of direct funding, delivery of technical services and/ or allocation of County-owned or managed facilities.

Cultural Equity: embodies the values, policies, and practices that ensure that all people— including but not limited to those who have been historically underrepresented based on race/ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geography, citizenship status, or religion.

Direct Costs, Other Expenses: Expenses directly related to the production of a program other than personnel, fringe benefits, and travel costs. May include contract fees.

Direct Costs, Travel Expenses: Travel expenses directly related to the production of a program, such as lodging, meals, per diem, and transportation costs. Costs must be estimated using the per diem and travel rates of the United States Federal Government’s General Services Administration, which may be found at:

Direct Expense: An expense directly related to a program other than salaries, wage, and fringe benefits.

Expenses: Amount of money or monetary value of in-kind donations needed to produce a program.

501(c)(3): The section of the U.S. tax code that defines nonprofit, charitable (as broadly defined), tax exempt organizations.

Fiscal Year: The 12-month period used for calculating the organization’s annual financial statements.

General Operating Expenses: An expense incurred in carrying out your organization’s day-to-day business operations. EXAMPLES: Payroll, travel, rental, insurance office supplies etc.

Grant: County support to an applicant in the form of funding for program expenses or in-kind grants of facilities, and/or technical services for rehearsals, production preparation, and/or performances.

Grantee: An applicant who has received a grant.

Guidelines: Procedural details for the Arts Grants Program created to fulfill the objectives of The Arlington County Policy for the Support of Arts Organizations and Artists.

Income: Amount of money or monetary value of in-kind donations that fund the production of a program.

Insurance: Payments for general liability, directors, officers, and other organizational insurance policies. Does not include medical insurance paid as an employee benefit.

Marketing/Advertising: All expenses for marketing, publicity, or promotion such as media, brochures, flyers, posters, etc. Does not include payments to contracted individuals or marketing firms.

Mission Statement: Two sentences describing what the organization does, not how it fulfills its mission or why.

Opportunity Youth: Are defined as young people between the ages of 16 and 24 who are neither enrolled in school nor participating in the labor market – or about one in nine members of this age group in the United States.

Other Income: Income other than that specified in the grant application. May include grants and cash.

Penalty: Point deduction for late documentation or for failure to place proper acknowledgment of support from Arlington County.  

Personnel, Administrative: Payments for salaries, wages, fees, and benefits for administrative employees, including administrative staff, program directors, managing directors, business managers, clerical staff, and administrative support personnel.

Personnel, Artistic: Payments for salaries, wages, fees, and benefits for artistic employees, including artistic directors, conductors, curators, composers, choreographers, and other artists.

Personnel, Technical/Production: Payments for salaries, wages, fees, and benefits for technical/production employees, including technical directors, wardrobe, lighting, sound designers, crew, stagehands, video and film technicians, exhibition curators, and installers.

Policy, or Policy for Support: The Arlington County Policy for the Support of Arts Organizations and Artists, as approved by the County Board, December 8, 1990.

Program: Artistic work, activity, or other qualified program under the Guidelines for which an applicant requests County support in the form of funding.

Program Expenses: Expenses or costs related to the production of a program.

Program Income: Income made in-kind or given as cash for a program to pay for production costs.

Salaries and Wages: Money paid to administrative and artistic staff of an organization.

Slideroom: The application portal used for the FY 2023 PLACE Grant.

Total Program Income: Total income from all sources.

Appendix C. FY 2023 PLACE Grant Schedule


Step 1: Optional Consultation

Applicants may schedule an Optional Pre-submittal Consultation with the Grants Administrator. Sharon Raphael

Before Friday, March 31, 2023, 5:00 P.M.

Step 2: Grant Application Process

Applicants submit Grant Application via Slideroom

Before Friday, April 28, 2023, 11:59 P.M.

Grant Applications reviewed by Arts Commission Members

Date is TBD

Step 3: Grant Award Process

Staff sends Award Notification Letters

By Friday, June 30, 2023

Staff processes Grant paperwork

Mid-August 2023 through September 2023

Step 4: Project Completion Process

Grant recipients must complete projects

By Friday, June 28, 2024

Grant recipients must submit Final Reports

By Wednesday, July 31, 2024, or within 30 days of completing project