Regional Partnerships and Capital Administration

Program Summary

Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority

Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority owns and protects more than 10,000 acres of land in 19 parks, including Potomac Overlook, Upton Hill, and the W&OD Regional Parks in Arlington. Funds are used to preserve, improve, expand, renovate, and enhance the parks and facilities. This program helps to improve the quality of the parks, encourage greater usage, and continue to serve the needs of the public. This augments the Public Spaces Master Plan (PSMP) and as well as complements open space, cultural and recreational programs of Arlington County and five other member jurisdictions. Arlington is one of six jurisdictions that share costs associated with NVRPA's capital program. The County's share is based on the percentage distribution of population estimates provided by the US Bureau of the Census. Arlington's capital contribution is from PAYG funding that is appropriated annually as part of the operating budget. The operating contribution is included as part of the general fund's regional partnerships operating budget.

Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Academy

In 2006, the principal members agreed to fund the construction of the Emergency Vehicle Operations Center (EVOC). The bond financing contributions towards the NVCJTA partnership continues through 2026. The Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy is dedicated to advancing competence and professionalism in law enforcement. The Academy is the largest regional law enforcement training facility in Virginia. Every person employed as a full-time law enforcement officer must meet compulsory minimum training standards. Individuals must first be hired by a supporting agency as a police officer or deputy sheriff before coming to the Academy for training. The training must be obtained from a state certified law enforcement training facility and must be completed within 12 months of the date of appointment. The Academy receives state funding as well as support from the jurisdictions it serves. Arlington is also one of ten supporting jurisdictions that provide a proportionate share of the Academy's operating budget based on its sworn population in relation to the total sworn population of all participating agencies. Arlington's capital contribution is from PAYG funding that is appropriated annually as part of the operating budget and pays for our share of debt service on the bonds for the Emergency Vehicle Operations Center. The bond financing contributions continue through 2026.

Capital Administration

The current CIP continues funding for administrative support of capital projects tracking and reporting in the Department of Management and Finance. This section also includes a capital contingent to fund unforeseen capital project costs or emergency capital needs.

Full Program Summary(PDF, 719KB)