FY 2017 Proposed Budget

County Manager’s Fiscal Year 2017 Proposed Budget

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FY 2017 Proposed All In One Budget

A Guide to Reading the Proposed Budget


FY 2017 County Board Budget Guidance Document

County Manager’s Message

  • Strategic Program and Service Delivery Evaluation
  • Public Safety Initiatives
  • Investment in the Workforce
  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Economic Development Incentives
  • Multi-Year Forecast and Future Budget Pressures
  • Tax and Fee Compendium

Section A – Budget Summaries

  • Fund Descriptions
  • Expenditure Summary (all funds)
  • All Funds Revenue and Expenditure Detail
  • General Fund Summary
  • County Government Summary
  • Expenditure Comparison
  • Proposed Budget Position Changes
  • Compensation Summary
  • Housing Summary

Section B – Revenues

Section C – General Fund Departments

General Government

Courts and Constitutionals

Public Safety


Section D – Other Funds

Section E – Pay as you go Capital and Master Lease

Section F – Glossary and Appendices

  • Glossary Selected Fiscal Indicators
  • Governmental Operating Fund Summaries
  • Budget Process
  • Financial and Debt Management Policy
  • Comprehensive Plan Summary
  • Arlington County Profile