FY 2026 Budget

The County is facing a projected $30-40 million budget shortfall for FY 2026.

Last year, to fund the community’s priority needs while responding to budget pressures and challenges, the County Board raised the real estate tax rate for the first time since FY 2020. In FY 2026, it is anticipated that revenue growth will not keep pace with rising expenses. The County also faces multi-year budget pressures, including a high commercial vacancy rate, the impacts of collective bargaining negotiations, Metro funding, and increased demand for housing and human services programs.

To continue being good stewards of taxpayer dollars, the County must make difficult budget decisions. Before presenting his proposed budget to the County Board, the County Manager asks the community to share thoughts on how to prioritize spending. 

How Should Arlington County Prioritize Spending for FY 2026?

¿Cómo debería priorizar el gasto el Condado de Arlington?

Budget Materials

County Manager's Presentation of the FY 2026 Economic Outlook

Budget Timeline

FY 2026 budget timeline