Public Private Transportation Act (PPTA)

Public Private Transportation Act of 1995

Arlington County Guidelines

The Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995, Va. Code Ann. §§ 56-556, et seq. (the “PPTA”) as amended, grants responsible public entities the authority to create public-private partnerships for the development of transportation facilities for public use (“qualifying transportation facilities”) if the public entity determines that it serves the public purposes of the PPTA.

The County adopted PPTA Guidelines effective April 1, 2013, and a resolution that provides additional direction to the County Manager concerning the Guidelines. View the full PPTA Guidelines and Resolution(PDF, 1MB).

Process for distribution of an unsolicited PPTA proposal

  • When an unsolicited proposal is received, the County manager will let the County Board know that same day the name of the proposer and the general nature of the proposal.
  • Within one business day after receipt of the proposal, the Office of the Purchasing Agent will determine whether the proposal meets the minimum requirements of the PPTA Guidelines. The minimum requirements are that the proposal meets the format required, the review fee is paid and the proposed project is a transportation facility.
  • Within two business days of receipt, proposals that meet the minimum requirements will be posted on the County website, minus information the proposer marked as confidential or proprietary.
  • Thereafter, the proposal will be reviewed and evaluated according to the Guidelines by an interdepartmental working group.