Permit Authorization Affidavit

The party that applies for and/or picks up a permit will need to have an affidavit of permit authorization, unless the permit holder:

  • Is the contractor licensed in Virginia for the scope of work on the permit; or
  • The permit holder is the property owner, and the property owner is the applicant in the online permitting system.

If you made arrangements with a contractor to perform work, Arlington strongly suggests that the contractor is identified on the permit application as the permit holder. When contractors are the permit holder, they’re indicating their responsibility for the work. The County will also verify that the contractor is licensed as required by state and local laws.

If a permit is issued with the property owner as the permit holder, enforcement actions against the contractor for code violations become difficult. Unwillingness on the part of a contractor to obtain the necessary permit(s) may be an indication that the contractor is not properly licensed.

Note: In-person applications are currently suspended due to the COVID-19 health crisis and Permit Office closure.

Submission Requirements


You must complete a Permit Authorization Affidavit

  • This form must be notarized and submitted with the building or trade permit application (as required by the table below). Electronic notaries are accepted.
  • Form must be completed entirely by the property owner.
  • The owner/lesee and authorized agent identified on the form must be the name(s) of individual(s), not a company name.
  • Copies of affidavits are not acceptable.
  • Clean and complete scope of work.
    • For example, if the work is for an addition as well as associated trade work, the third blank field (permits for the construction of…) in the affidavit might state: “Addition, including electrical, plumbing, fuel/gas and mechanical work.”


Submit the affidavit through the same channel as your permit application.

Additional Guidance 


Note 1: If we have an affidavit, the property owner or tenant must be the permit holder.

Note 2: There are limitations if the owner is the permit holder for a residential property. First, the permit cannot be issued with the permit holder as the owner if the owner is an LLC, unless it is currently an existing rental property and proof is provided. Second, the owner can only be the permit holder on one residential address within a two year time period.

Note 3: If the owner is listed as an ownership group or corporation, the individual who is signing the affidavit is required to provide the articles of incorporation, which must show the person listed on the affidavit is a member of that corporation.

Note 4: The contractor’s information must be provided before the permit can be issued.

Note 5: The person listed on the affidavit can sign all forms and applications associated with the permit, including the permit application.

Note 6: The registered design professional that is the permit holder must be the same registered design professional that has signed and sealed the plans.