About Small Cell Wireless

New 5G Streetlights Come to Arlington

5G pole looking west

A 5G streetlight pole prototype as displayed in Courthouse.

Private vendors are deploying 5G antennas on such poles using the public right-of-way through County permitting.

Arlington has prepared its commercial corridors for the next generation of mobile broadband technology, which offers mobile download speeds up to 100 times faster than today. This infrastructure supports the County’s overall smart growth strategy within those corridors.

Benefits Small cell wireless telecommunications facilities (SWF) increase capacity to a wireless communication provider’s network in high-traffic areas. They are typically comprised of an antenna, enclosed or exposed, and associated wireless equipment.

Recent legislation provides for the installation of such facilities on existing structures in the public right-of-way per a locality’s permitting process.

Arlington County

State and Federal


Health Research on Cellular Radio Frequencies