First Steps To Your Baby’s Future

First Steps Checklist: If you answer “no” to any one question, please talk to your child’s doctor or call the Parent Infant Education (PIE) Program at 703-228-1630.

Safety Tips

  • Is your home “child-proof”?
  • Does your baby always ride in a car seat when riding in a car?
  • Do you have a regular place to go for your baby’s health care (pediatrician, family doctor, public health clinic)?
    All infants should have well baby check-ups by their doctor every three months for the first year and a half, and at least every six months after that until the child is three years old.

Newborn to 3 Months Old

  • Does your baby smile back at you when you smile and talk to him/her or gently touch his/her face?
  • Is your baby making cooing sounds like “oooo” and “aaaa”?
  • Does your baby lift his/her head and chest lying on his/her tummy?
  • Does your baby watch you when you walk across the room?
  • Has your baby seen the doctor at least two times for well baby checkups?

3 to 6 Months Old

  • Does your baby laugh and babble (say “bababa” or “dadada”)?
  • Does your baby roll from his/her back to his/her tummy?
  • Does your baby turn his/her head to sounds like your voice, radio, or TV?
  • Does your baby reach for and hold a toy?
  • Does your baby play with his/her hands by touching them together?
  • Has your baby seen the doctor at least one time for a well baby check-up since he/she was three months old?

6 to 9 Months Old

  • Does your baby sit up by his/herself without falling?
  • Does your baby look for a small toy when he/she sees you drop it?
  • Is your baby beginning to play peek-a-boo or wave bye-bye after he/she sees you do it?
  • Has your baby seen any doctor at least one time for a well baby check-up since he/she was six months old?

9 to 12 Months Old

  • Does your baby look at the right thing when you say words like bottle or ball?
  • Does your baby pull up to standing by holding onto furniture?
  • Does your baby say Mama or Dada to the right person?
  • Does your baby pick up small things (like a raisin or a Cheerio) using his/her
    thumb and one finger?
  • Has your baby seen the doctor at least one time since he/she was nine months old?

12 to 15 Months Old

  • Does your baby point to or ask for things he/she wants?
  • Does your baby feed him/herself with his/her fingers?
  • Does your baby like being the center of attention?
  • Does your baby walk by him/herself?
  • Has your baby seen the doctor for his/her 12-month well baby check-up?

15 to 18 Months Old

  • Does your baby drink from a cup?
  • Does your baby point to body parts (like nose, eyes, feet) when you name them?
  • Does your baby like to put things in and out of containers?
  • Does your baby say words to tell you what he/she wants?
  • Does your baby like to look at books and turn pages by him/herself?
  • Has your baby seen the doctor for his/her 15-month well baby check-up?

18 to 24 Months Old

  • Does your child walk up stairs?
  • Does your child make a straight line with a crayon after you do it?
  • Does your child follow a simple two-step direction (like “Go to your room and get me a diaper”)

24 to 30 Months Old

  • Does your child walk up stairs?
  • Does your child make a straight line with a crayon after you do it?
  • Does your child follow a simple two-step direction (like “Go to your room and get me a diaper”)?

30 to 36 Months Old

  • Does your child know his/her first name?
  • Does your child unbutton buttons?
  • Does your child ask questions?
  • Does your child jump up and down?
  • Does your child understand the meaning of words like “in,” “out,” “on,” and “behind”?
  • Does your child understand “Bring me a diaper,” or “Give me one cookie”?