Partnerships for a Healthier Arlington

Partnerships for a Healthier Arlington (Healthier Arlington) is an organization that evolved from an 18-month strategic planning process called Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP).

During the 18-month MAPP process, 50 members of the community served on the steering committee to review data on the health status of Arlingtonians and the public health systems in the area. At the conclusion of the MAPP process, the steering committee formed Healthier Arlington to work on three areas: improved access to health care, prevention of chronic disease and prevention of communicable disease.

Our work resulted in three important outcomes:

     1. Identification of three strategic areas, as well as supporting goals and actions, to improve the community’s health:

Access to Healthcare

  • Increase access to a “medical home” or a usual place of care outside of an emergency room
  • Prevent development of high-risk drinking and use of drugs
  • Increase access to mental health and substance abuse services

Prevention of Chronic Disease

  • Reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity
  • Reduce tobacco use

Prevention of Communicable Disease

  • Reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted infections
  • Increase the number of people who receive seasonal influenza vaccine annually

     2. Creation and nurturing of public health system partnerships to create a healthier Arlington.

     3. Evolution of the MAPP Steering Committee into the Partnerships for a Healthier Arlington organization. Mission: To make Arlington a healthier place to live, work and play.

In Conversation: Health Equity in Arlington


