On April 21, 2022, President Biden announced Uniting for Ukraine (U4U), a new streamlined process to provide Ukrainian citizens who have fled Russia’s unprovoked war of aggression opportunities to come to the U.S.
Uniting for Ukraine provides a pathway for Ukrainian citizens and their immediate family members who are outside the U.S. to come to the U.S. and stay temporarily in a two-year period of parole. Ukrainians, known as beneficiaries, who participate in U4U must have a supporter in the U.S. who agrees to provide them with financial support for the duration of their stay.
One of the U4U beneficiary requirements is to complete medical screening for Tuberculosis (TB) and to get a TB blood test (IGRA) within 90 days of arrival.
You may be contacted by patients enrolled in U4U requesting Tuberculosis (TB) screening and testing. One of the U4U beneficiary requirements is to complete medical screening for TB and to get a TB blood test (IGRA) within 90 days of arrival. Ukraine has a high burden of TB, with almost a quarter of TB cases being multi-drug resistant (MDR-TB). The system of TB care in Ukraine has been disrupted and Ukrainians have been displaced within Ukraine and in surrounding countries, often sheltering in conditions that make TB spread easier.
It is essential that every U4U beneficiary receive a complete TB evaluation with special attention to any potential exposure to MDR-TB AND be referred for care immediately as needed to get these patients the care they need and to protect our community from TB spread.
Arlington County Public Health Division (ACPHD) needs your help when you are contacted to provide care to U4U program patients. If your practice is contacted by a U4U beneficiary, please advise the patient of the following:
Please also be reminded of the Virginia requirement to report TB cases to ACPHD. ACPHD staff can be reached 24/7:
- Presumptive or confirmed active TB disease – report immediately
- Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m., call 703-228-5200, option #1
- Nights and weekends, call 703-558-2222 and ask for the Public Health Duty Officer
- Latent TB infection – report within 3 days by one of the following:
Provider Letter(PDF, 330KB) - This letter for healthcare providers gives more information on ACPHD services for U4U beneficiaries.
Arlington U4U Flyer (color(PDF, 73KB) or b&w(PDF, 80KB)) - This handout for U4U beneficiaries gives more information on ACPHD services.
Uniting for Ukraine: Tuberculosis Information and Resources - This page from CDC provides strategies and resources to increase awareness about the TB screening requirements as part of U4U.
Cultural Quick Reference Guide - This two-page Cultural Quick Reference Guide for Ukraine from the Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center supports the provider-client relationship by giving country-specific information on cultural norms, health practices, and courtesies to observe to enhance communication. Languages and literacy, personal greetings, naming conventions, and non-verbal signals are included. Facts about TB in country with details on stigma, traditional beliefs and remedies used will aid providers in better understanding patient expectations.
You Can Prevent Tuberculosis: A Patient Educational Handout - This handout from the Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center describes the main characteristics of LTBI and Active TB, as well as their differences. It also describes what increases the risk for developing Active TB and how to prevent TB from developing.
One of the U4U beneficiary requirements is to complete medical screening for Tuberculosis (TB) and to get a TB blood test (IGRA) within 90 days of arrival.
Arlington County Public Health Division (ACPHD) provides at no cost to U4U beneficiaries in Arlington:
- TB screening and testing
- Treatment for Latent TB infection and active TB disease, should it be needed
Beneficiaries may also be eligible for one time health screening, lab testing, and immunizations.
To access these ACPHD services, beneficiaries should:
- Call 703-228-1200 as soon as possible for an appointment
- Tell ACPHD that the appointment is for an enrolled U4U beneficiary
Arlington U4U Flyer (color(PDF, 73KB) or b&w(PDF, 80KB)) - This handout for U4U beneficiaries gives more information on ACPHD services.
Uniting for Ukraine: Tuberculosis Information and Resources - This page from CDC has information about the TB screening requirements as part of U4U.
You Can Prevent Tuberculosis: A Patient Educational Handout - This handout from the Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center describes the main characteristics of LTBI and Active TB, as well as their differences. It also describes what increases the risk for developing Active TB and how to prevent TB from developing.