Rescreening: Affordable Housing Master Plan Review Kick Off

Did you miss the Kick Off Event? Catch Up Fast


  • Click here to join the meeting via Microsoft Teams
  • To join by phone, dial: 1-347-973-6905
  • Enter the Conference ID when prompted: 201 397 741#
  • Join us over the lunch hour to view a rescreening of the Housing Needs Analysis presentation.
  • County staff will be available to answer questions.

About the Affordable Housing Master Plan Review

  • The Affordable Housing Master Plan details how housing is integral to the County’s vision to support residents, to improve neighborhoods, and to strengthen the economy.
  • The plan outlines three main goals: to increase supply, to ensure access, and to contribute to a sustainable community.
  • In order to achieve these goals, periodic updates to factors affecting the demand and supply of housing are needed.
  • Learn more about the County’s five-year review of the plan and other upcoming events and engagement opportunities.

For questions about the event, or to request reasonable accommodations, contact the Housing Arlington team: or 703-228-0069.


  • Tuesday, January 26, 2021 | 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
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