AHCVP 5-Year Strategic Plan

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the federal agency that regulates the Arlington Housing Choice Voucher Program (AHCVP), mandates that we maintain and update a 5-Year Strategic Plan. This Plan outlines programmatic goals, policies, and implementation procedures, and ensures compliance with various state, local and federal regulations. The updated AHCVP 5-Year Strategic Plan can be accessed here. Below is a FAQ covering the AHCVP 5-Year Strategic Plan Update Process in further detail.

This information will be made available in alternative formats upon request to ensure reasonable accommodation, accessibility for hearing, visual, and other communication-related disabilities, language accessibility or other requirements in accordance with Section 504 regulations, and Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

AHCVP 5-Year Strategic Plan Update Process FAQ

When was the AHCVP 5-Year Strategic Plan last updated?

An updated plan was submitted to HUD for review and approval in October 2020. The updated plan was approved and effective as of October 18th, 2020. Public comments gathered from community members during the update process were included in the plan, as well as staff responses to said comments, for archival and transparency purposes. The final updated AHCVP 5-Year Strategic Plan is provided here for public review, with sensitive and identifying information redacted for the privacy of community members.

How was the plan updated?

After reviewing the plan, staff determined that the program priorities and recommendations included in the plan remained relevant. Language was primarily updated to reflect changes in HUD policy resulting from the Coronavirus Pandemic, as well as to reflect new programmatic approaches to waitlist creation and management.

What were some of the major concerns/questions/requests voiced by the public during the comment gathering process?

The number one concern voiced by members of the public throughout the comment gathering process regarded disability preference and housing accessibility. Members of the public voiced support for a program preference for disabled individuals, as well as a programmatic focus on adding accessible units to the program’s housing stock.

How did the AHCVP respond to public comments?

AHCVP staff reviewed all submitted comments for relevant suggestions or recommendations and reviewed the suggested plan update to determine if relevant suggestions or recommendations could be incorporated into the plan. We then responded directly to comment submitters with follow up information.

Were there any suggestions or recommendations incorporated into the plan?

All relevant comments recommended policies that are already present in the updated 5-Year Strategic Plan. The AHCVP had already incorporated two disability preferences into the AHCVP Administrative Plan prior to the initiation of the comment gathering process and had already included language focused on adding accessible units to the program’s housing stock.

Several suggestions, including a suggestion that a lifetime voucher limit be placed on non-disabled and non-elderly tenants, were unworkable under existing HUD policy.

I have questions about the update process and/or the AHCVP 5-Year Strategic Plan! Who should I contact?

If you have further questions about the AHCVP 5-Year Strategic Plan update process, would like to request a physical copy of the complete AHCVP 5-Year Strategic Plan, or have questions regarding the AHCVP 5-Year Strategic Plan, feel free to email tstevenson@arlingtonva.us.