Institutional Partnerships The Institutional Partnerships Initiative encourages collaboration and partnerships between affordable housing developers, the faith community, the County, schools, local colleges and universities, and other community-serving institutions.
County Employee Housing The County Employee Housing Initiative considers rental and homeownership opportunities for Arlington’s local government workforce
Financial Tools The Financial Tools Initiative seeks to expand and further leverage County resources for affordable housing.
Missing Middle Housing Study The Missing Middle Housing Study will explore how new housing types could help address Arlington’s shortfall in housing supply and gaps in housing choices.
Affordable Housing Dashboard Arlington County’s Housing Division has created an interactive online dashboard which compiles information about Arlington’s housing needs and affordable housing supply.
Land Use Tools This initiative will explore the creative use of new and existing land use and zoning mechanisms to expand housing. It includes the Missing Middle Housing Study, Plan Langston Boulevard, Multifamily Reinvestment Study, and the Accessory Dwelling Regulations Update.
Affordable Housing Master Plan Review The County recently concluded a five-year review of the Affordable Housing Master Plan, which is a policy framework and vision to meet affordable housing needs through 2040.
Plan Langston Boulevard Building on visioning work by the Langston Boulevard community in 2016, the County is leading a community planning process for Langston Boulevard that takes a closer look at the long-term goals for this important corridor and its surrounding areas.
Accessory Dwelling Regulations Update Accessory dwellings are smaller, independent second dwellings on a single-family lot.
Homeownership Study The Homeownership Study, which includes the former Condominium Initiative, will examine program outcomes, assess opportunities, and determine whether the County’s existing programs and policies support Arlington’s homeownership goals.