Housing Arlington Resource Library

In search of innovative, creative ways to achieve the goals of the County’s Housing Arlington initiative, Arlington’s Housing Division issued a Call for Ideas in October 2020. The call aimed to elicit new concepts and ideas and, where available, gather research to inform and strengthen the County’s efforts to expand Arlington’s supply of housing, broaden the types of housing available, and preserve or increase the supply of affordable housing.

Open to affordable housing partners; advocates; federal, state, and municipal housing professionals; researchers; and journalists, the Call for Ideas yielded a rich collection of commentary, case studies, ideas, and examples on which staff can draw as they devise, test, and implement cross-cutting solutions to Arlington’s housing challenges.



Needed Evolution, Missing Middle Housing, & Preservation of Affordable Multifamily Housing

—Michael A. Spotts

Combining Transit-Oriented Development with Missing Middle Housing for Environmental Benefits

—Emily Hamilton

Missing Middle Housing: Impacts, Examples, and Contribution to Affordable Housing Goals

—Jordan Reisenberg


Case Studies

Institutional Partnerships: Milwaukee Public Library

—Chip Gurkin

Institutional Partnerships: The Community Affordable Renewable Energy (CARE) Project

—ICMA Ι Cadmus

Employee Housing: City of College Park, Md., and University of Maryland

—David Huaman


Ideas and Examples from Housing Practitioners

Possible Land Use and Zoning Tools

—Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance

Survey of Legislation, Policies, Programs, and Tools

—Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing

Compilation of Resources

—Alliance for Housing Solutions