Managed Landscapes and Lawns

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Managed landscapes are planned, intentional, and maintained plantings of grasses, wildflowers, forbs, ferns, shrubs, and trees, including but not limited to rain gardens, conservation landscaping, native plant gardens and meadow vegetation, and ornamental and agricultural plantings.

A lawn is an area of land planted predominantly with grasses that form a uniform, long lived groundcover that can tolerate foot traffic and low mowing heights (usually four inches or below). Lawns may not exceed 12 inches in height.

Many organizations exist to support residents maintain and improve their lawns and landscapes. Investing in managed landscapes particularly those that incorporate native plants can bring numerous advantages, including ecological, economic, and aesthetic benefits. It is an excellent way to contribute to the preservation and well-being of our environment. 

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Managed Landscape

Arlington’s Chesapeake Bay Preservation Plan, Stormwater Utility Program, and the draft Forestry and Natural Resources Plan support these landscapes.  Arlington’s Inspection Services Division is responsible for enforcing county ordinances, including those governing the condition of private property.  

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Managed Lawn