Get Involved

Adopt a Park

Depending on your interests and skills, you can volunteer to help with landscaping, removing invasive plants and trail maintenance — or simply picking up trash.

Learn more about adopting a park, field, playground or stream.

Adopt a Street

Help keep your street clean and beautiful, and our local streams, too. The Adopt-a-Street Program is an economical solution to stormwater management and litter control that provides residents with an opportunity to do something positive for the community.

Learn more about adopting a street.

Environment and Energy Conservation Commission
Environment and Energy Conservation Commission

The commission advises on environmental and energy conservation issues, including our natural environment quality based on the interrelationships among air, water and land.

Learn more about the Environment and Energy Conservation Commission.

Master Gardeners
Master Gardeners

Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardeners provide free gardening-related community service for Arlington County and the City of Alexandria. They staff plant clinics, develop and maintain demonstration gardens, conduct public education programs, and are involved in schoolyard gardening and horticultural therapy for the elderly and disabled.

Learn more about an upcoming event or how to become a Master Gardener.

Master Naturalists
Master Naturalists

The Arlington Regional Master Naturalist (ARMN) chapter of the Virginia Master Naturalist Program provides environmental education, research, citizen science, outreach and stewardship of Virginia natural resources and public lands,

Learn more about Arlington Regional Master Naturalists.

Remove Invasive Plants logo
Remove Invasive Plants (RiP)

Invasive nonnative plants are a challenge in many parts of Arlington. Residents can learn to identify invasive plant species and assist with removing them during invasive plant removal activities.

Learn more about the Remove Invasive Plants (RiP) Program.

Storm Drain Marking
Storm Drain Marking

Storm drain marking involves gluing vinyl markers to storm drains. The markers are customized with the name of Arlington’s local streams and remind residents that our storm drains flow directly untreated into our streams.

Learn more about volunteering to mark storm drains.

Stream Cleanup
Stream Cleanups

EcoAction Arlington conducts regular stream cleanups in our local streams. Come out and bag some trash!

Find an upcoming stream cleanup.

Stream Monitoring
Stream Monitoring

Stream monitors are resident scientists that collect biological and chemical data for our streams. The collected data helps us track water quality changes resulting from our stream protection initiatives. Stream monitors are 18 years of age or older. Monitors younger than 18 years must be accompanied by a participating adult.

Learn more about becoming a volunteer stream monitor.

Tree Stewards

TreeStewards of Arlington and Alexandria are volunteers who take the lead within their communities to enhance a sustainable urban forest through volunteer activities and public education programs. Volunteer activities include planting, pruning, mulching and watering of street, park and school trees, and leading neighborhood tree walks.

Learn more about becoming a tree steward.

Urban Forestry Commission

The commission brings together the expertise of existing special interest groups and other citizens and organizations with an interest in issues affecting Arlington’s existing and future urban forest.

Learn more about the Urban Forestry Commission.

Stream Cleanup at Long Branch