The County encourages homeowners to evaluate flooding risks on their property and take action where possible. Arlington offers a home floodproofing checklist. Frequently vulnerable areas: below-grade basement steps, window wells and driveways that slope down toward a house.
Residents should ask their insurance agent about flood insurance and about a sewer backup endorsement to any homeowner’s or renter’s policy. Most commercially available policies do not cover damage within basements and sub-grade structures. Homeowners who have experienced sewer backup should have a plumber determine if they need a backwater valve on their sanitary sewer and/or a sump pump.
View more tips to reduce flood risk.
Assist with Projects
- Provide easements if requested for projects.
- Have patience with construction.
Stay Safe
Do not allow sleeping in a basement that is prone to flooding particularly during months susceptible to intense thunderstorms; floodwaters can be powerful and sudden during intense storms and create drowning, debris and electrical risks in homes.
Stay Informed
- Sign up for Arlington Alert.
- Ask insurance agent about flood insurance and about a sewer backup endorsement to your homeowner’s or renter’s policy.
Visit our website on flooding to learn more.