Single Family Residential: Tree Planting
The application period for the Stormwater Utility credit program is officially open now through February 28, 2025. The County Board approved additional enhancements to the credit program at the December Board meeting. The presentation and Board report are available here.
Definition: Trees assist in stormwater management by slowing the rate at which rainfall reaches the ground through canopy interception and improving soil absorption. Planting new trees helps to conserve and enhance our existing tree canopy. Increased tree canopy coverage can slow runoff rates and reduce stress on the stormwater infrastructure system by reducing peak flows.
Guidelines: Tree selection should be appropriate for the planting site. Standards for shade tree planting, including a list of suggested varieties can be found here, under the Shade trees section.
- New trees must be native to Virginia or the Chesapeake Bay region (as defined by the Virginia Plant Atlas, which can be found at with a minimum 1” caliper, measured at 6” above the ground. Trees must be planted at least 10 feet apart.
- Large canopy trees planted through the Arlington County Tree Canopy Fund are eligible for credit.
- Due to their smaller size, trees (“whips”) received through the Arlington County’s free Tree Distribution Program are not eligible for credit.
- Eligible trees are those planted within the property boundaries, at least 5 feet from property lines, and not part of another stormwater BMP, like rain garden or conservation landscaping. Trees must not have been planted as a part of a mandatory condition of development or LDA permit. The applicant property must not be under development or within the time frame of the maintenance bond at the time new trees are planted.
Existing or New: Newly installed during the calendar year prior to the billing year.
Annual or Ongoing credit: Annual
Percent Credit: 5%
Minimum: See table below
Stormwater Customer Class
Minimum Number of Trees for Credit
Single Family Residential - Attached
1 native shade tree
Single Family Residential – Detached: Tiers 1-3
2 native shade trees
Single Family Residential – Detached: Above the Cap
3 native shade trees
Frequency of re-certification: Annual credit
Required Documentation:
Additional Information
- Purchase receipt
- Documentation of size (trunk diameter (caliper) and species of tree
If tree is planted on the property through the Arlington County Tree Canopy Fund administered through EcoAction Arlington and the Arlington County Forestry and Natural Resources Commission, please also include appropriate documentation (such as an email approval).
Minimum 1” caliper. All trees must be native. For recommended shade trees, see here.
- Close-up photo of the tree
- Perspective photo with nearest structure in background
Tips for success:
Follow maintenance guidelines. See: Tree Care Tips