Pavement Removal

Person jack hammering a pavement

Pavement removal increases the amount of permeable ground on your property. After the pavement is removed, digging into the ground and adding compost or leaf mulch will reduce soil compaction, further encouraging water to soak into the ground. The addition of native plants will improve soil permeability as well. Examples of areas where pavement could be removed include:

  • Unused, sport play areas.
  • Sections of a driveway that aren’t used for parking.
  • Patios and walkways that are no longer in use.

Benefits of Pavement Removal

  • An aesthetically pleasing area that could increase your property value.
  • A reduction in stormwater runoff from your property, which in turn reduces the amount of sediment and other pollutants that runoff your property.
  • Groundwater recharge. Water is able to soak into the ground, which supplies water to local streams in between storms.

Before You Break Ground

  • Create a plan for the site that includes how stormwater flows across it. A good plan will prevent erosion and messy runoff.
  • Plan how the removed materials will be recycled.
  • Call Miss Utility to learn the location of your utilities. It’s free.
  • Hardware stores and home improvement centers rent a variety of tools, such as electric jackhammers and concrete cutting saws, which will make this hard work a bit easier. Start at the edges so the breaking pavement has a place to move.
  • Protect yourself. Earplugs, goggles, gloves, good shoes, a dust mask and long sleeves are a must when breaking up pavement.
  • The difficulty of a de-paving project depends on the size, composition and construction of the surface. Asphalt is generally softer and easier to remove than concrete. Concrete installations with steel reinforcement (rebar) will likely need professional attention for removal.