Where Not to Plant Trees

  • Underground utilities present: In the case of sewer lines, storm drains or electric lines, consult your utility agency.
  • Area too small or narrow: Grass strips must be at least 4 feet wide, preferably 6 feet, before trees are installed.
  • Care or pedestrian safety jeopardized: Trees reduce visibility. Consider future size of tree, as well as current (especially with evergreen trees).
  • Overhead wires present: Wires limit ultimate tree height, thus limiting the species of tree that can be used.
  • Poor site conditions: Poor soil, old roadbeds, salt and other physical factors restrict or eliminate landscaping potential in some areas.
  • Non County-controlled locations: Planting on state or federal roads or rights of way requires permission from the controlling agency. Added requirements for these areas usually delay project installment by at least one year.
  • Planned construction: Planting can not take place until any planned street widening; sidewalk, curb and gutter construction; or sewer work is complete.
  • Busy roadway: It is safer to put trees on lightly traveled residential streets, rather than heavy traffic areas.
  • Damage-prone areas: Areas subject to frequent vehicular accidents or excessive vandalism are usually not landscaped.
  • Required maintenance unavailable: Many projects are curbed or postponed due to limited availability of maintenance staff and funds to provide proper care.


Silhouette Powerlines
You should never plant large trees below telephone wires or power lines.