inVISIBLE (Dominion Crystal City Substation)
Dominion Crystal City Substation
1720 S. Fern St.
Maps Directions Transit Parking
Artwork Details
Artist Name: Elena Manferdini
Project Title: inVisible
Project Year of Completion: 2023
Materials: Custom painted precast concrete, anodized aluminum, and ceramic tiles
inVisible visualizes the creation and distribution of electricity – an unseen, yet essential aspect of our lives. The work is also inspired by the artist’s interest in the immersive effects that vast fields of color can have on viewers.
Here, two expansive fields are stacked horizontally. On the lower half of the façade, three different sizes of colorful ceramic tiles represent a buzzing electric field. The relationships between the 2-, 4-, and 6-inch tiles reference the substation’s main function of converting voltage from high to low or vice versa. The upper half of the façade is an immense monochrome field of metal panels that represents a folded sky and invites the audience to view the actual sky – a place we look to for our hopes and dreams.
In creating inVisible, Manferdini, an Italian-born artist, designer, architect, and engineer, invites viewers to consider their relationship to the invisible and fundamental force of electricity and the process and tools used in its creation and distribution.
Learn more about the Crystal City Substation Improvement and Expansion Project.
Learn more about Elena Manferdini.
Funded by Dominion Energy.