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Make Multi-Family/Commercial Account Payment
(Note: Enter only the first 12 digits of the account number on payment page)
This toolkit is meant to ensure your Multi-Family/Commercial recycling system is up to code. The Arlington County system is hosted on Re-TRAC.
Update Your Property's Plan
How to Use Re-TRAC
Guía Re-TRAC
Arlington County Code, Chapter 10: Trash, Recycling and Care of Premises
Violation Notices and Corrective Actions Process
Avisos de infracciones y El Proceso de Acciónes Correctivas
Recycling System Checklist
Lista de Verificación de Reciclaje
Print these educational materials and post them in recycling rooms, common areas and any place where a recycling container is located.
Multifamily Word(DOCX, 1MB) | pdf(PDF, 767KB)
Recycling Outreach Center Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 703-228-7610 Email