Street Sweeping

Why Street Sweeping? 

Street sweeping by Solid Waste Bureau - For Slide 33.jpg

Street sweeping removes accumulated debris and pollutants such as sand, salt, metals, petroleum products and bacteria before they wash into streams, the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay. Street sweeping includes both commercial and residential areas. Approximately 814 lane miles are swept countywide.

Street Sweeping Preparation 

Arlington’s 59 civic associations have been grouped into 14 street sweeping zones. Street sweeping occurs yearly from April-October. Citizens are asked to move their cars from their streets so that the street sweepers can provide more effective sweeping. View the Residential Street Sweeping Zone Map(PDF, 5MB).

Beginning in July 2019, the frequency of passes were reduced from seven to four passes per year for residential zones due to budget reductions. Residential zones are now swept March, May, July and September. Zone borders were also updated to increase efficiency.

Street Sweeping Checklist

  1. Check the online schedule for your zone’s street sweeping day.
  2. Prepare your street:
    1. Street sweeping hours are from approximately 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Make sure to move your car to a driveway or garage on your scheduled day.
    2. If you have any trees on your property that overhang to the curb, try to prune any low hanging limbs. Do not prune any limbs on trees between the sidewalk and the curb as these may be publicly-owned trees.
  3. Remind your neighbors about street sweeping day.
  4. Sign up for street sweeping and leaf season listserv email updates in the box to the right on this webpage.

2024-2025 Season Schedule

Dates are subject to change due to weather, equipment availability and other unforeseen circumstances. Find your street's zone on the Residential Sweeping Zone Map

Zone 1: July 8, Sept. 9, March 17, May 5
Clarendon-Courthouse North Highlands
Colonial Village North Rosslyn
Lyon Village Radnor/Fort Myer Heights


Zone 2: July 9, Sept. 10, March 18, May 6
Arlington Mill Douglas Park
Barcroft Forest Glen


Zone 3: July 10, Sept. 11, March 19, May 7
Claremont Fairlington
Columbia Forest Green Valley (formerly Nauck)


Zone 4: July 11, Sept. 12, March 20, May 8
Donaldson Run Old Dominion
Dover Crystal Riverwood


Zone 5: July 12, Sept. 13, March 21, May 9
Arlingwood Old Glebe
Bellevue Forest Rivercrest
Country Club Hills/Gulf Branch


Zone 6: July 15, Sept. 16, March 24, May 12
Arlington Forest Glencarlyn
Boulevard Manor Madison Manor


Zone 7: July 16, Sept. 17, March 25, May 13
Arlington Ridge/Forest Hills Long Branch Creek
Aurora Highlands


Zone 8: July 17, Sept. 18, March 26, May 14
Arlington East Falls Church Williamsburg


Zone 9: July 18, Sept. 19, March 27, May 15
Cherrydale Waverly Hills
Cherrydale Nature Center Woodmont


Zone 10: July 19, Sept. 20, March 28, May 16
Glebewood Leeway-Overlee
Highland Park/Overlee Knolls Westover Village


Zone 11: July 22, Sept. 23, March 31, May 19
Ashton Heights Lyon Park
Ballston-Virginia Square Waycroft-Woodlawn


Zone 12: July 23, Sept. 24, April 1, May 20
Alcova Heights Columbia Heights
Arlington Heights Foxcroft Heights
Arlington View Penrose


Zone 13: July 24, Sept. 25, April 2, May 21
Bluemont Tara Leeway Heights
Dominion Hills


Zone 14: July 25, Sept. 26, April 3, May 22
Chainbridge Forest Stafford-Albemarle-Glebe
Rock Spring Yorktown


Street Sweeping Requests

Do you know of an area that could benefit from street sweeping, or have you spotted debris along our streets? Contact Christian Blackwell with your street sweeping request. Be sure to include a detailed description of the location.

Litter Control

Litter control includes hand and vacuum collection of debris along predetermined routes, primarily business and commercial areas, and heavily traveled pedestrian routes. For additional information or requests, call 703-228-5000.


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