Property Sales


 About Tax Sales

The Treasurer of Arlington County periodically sells property at Public Auction to satisfy delinquent Taxes / Fees.  Real property in Arlington County can be sold if there are two or more years of delinquent taxes. Arlington County does not sell tax liens.  The real property sale process is a court proceeding and the sale is held at the time and place designated by the court. There are no fixed dates for such auctions.

To be added to the Taxing Authority Consulting Services’ distribution list for tax sales, please visit Taxing Authority and under “Interested Bidders Sign-up” (bottom right of screen), click “SIGN UP!”  Provide the required information and click “SUBSCRIBE.” 

For questions, please contact Cathryn Bertram at (804) 545-2377.

Upcoming Real Estate Tax Sales
There are no real estate property sales scheduled at this time.

Upcoming Vehicle Sales
There are no vehicle personal property sales scheduled at this time.