The Commissioner of Revenue’s Office's Vehicle Personal Property Divsion is open to in-person customers and appointments from Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Arlington County Code provides two different deadlines for notifying the Commissioner of Revenue that a vehicle is newly located in Arlington on a regular basis.
The vehicle personal property tax year is from January 1 to December 31. Vehicles are assessed based on the number of months they have a taxable status in Arlington.
Located at Bozman Government Center at Window 218. Hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., except holidays.
The Arlington County’s Office of the Commissioner of Revenue bases the annual tax assessments for motor vehicles garaged in Arlington County on the “Clean Loan Value" in the January [of the tax year] edition of the “J.D Power (formally NADA Guides)”, which is published every January.
Learn about Residential Permit Parking (RPP) and how to apply.
The Commissioner of Revenue’s Taxpayer Improvement Program Service (TIPS) identifies and collects taxes from apparent tax evaders, including those who evade vehicle personal property taxes. You can report a vehicle online, by phone, or mail.
The Personal Property Tax Relief Act of 1998 (PPTRA) provides tax relief for vehicles locally registered within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Considering filing an official valuation appeal?You can find information about the legal basis for Uniform Assessments, and the Vehicle Valuation Appeals Process here.
The tax will be imposed on vehicles registered with Arlington County that have out of state license plates.
Vehicle Personal Property Tax Exemptions eligibility.