
Some leads on career-building experience. Most are unpaid; many have training and application requirement!
Check out the Volunteer page for more options

Arlington Independent Media/Document Historic Arlington A TV production apprenticeship program open to APS high school students, Feb-Jun.

Arlington Student Film Fest

National Youth Congress, DPR: Learn about careers in the field of parks and recreation under the guidance of a County employee

Phoenix Bikes: Gain skills as a bike mechanic, earn a new bike, learn leadership skills

Student Assistant, Summer Camps, DPR: Volunteer summer assistant, must be 12+ and commit to at least four weeks.

Prime Program, Arlington Public Schools: Apply by December of each year, open to 25 gifted students, 16+ during the school year and summer. Work with a mentor in an organization that matches your career interest.

Youth Leadership Greater Washington (YLGW) offers a six-month, interactive youth leadership development and community education program for sophomores and juniors.

Student Conservation Association: Expense-paid internships in conservation projects throughout the US

The Honors Research Program (HRP) brings a small group of honors-level high school students to the URI’s Graduate School of Oceanography and to EV Nautilus for 1-2 weeks during the summer

Bank of America: Student Leaders program

Aspire Learning offers volunteer opportunities to high school students in Arlington’s Columbia Heights West neighborhood after-school programs

Emily’s List

Latino Internship Program Environment for the Americas and the USDA Forest Service internship.18+ Develop bilingual materials

Senate Page Leadership program – available to 13-14-year-olds in Richmond to work in the Senate of Virginia or Virginia House of Delegates; be prepared to commit to a 40-hour work week while the Congress is in session.

National Zoo Sessions are one week long (Mon-Fri). You must be 13-17 years old to volunteer. Training is mandatory.

Smithsonian Youth program A 16-week program at the Museum Natural History for rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors

Health and Human Services (HHS) Pathways Program – Students experience through two programs, the Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) and Student Careers Experience Program (SCEP).

The Lost Towns Project accepts volunteers five days a week, Monday – Friday. We also have a limited number of formal internships available to qualified students. Edgewater, MD

Summer Internships in Washington DC

Secret Service Student Volunteer Service – This program is for students who are interested in working for the Secret Service. The program does not involve protecting anyone. In fact, most assignments are clerical. Internship is looking for high school students who are at least 16 years old and a United States citizen. Once they apply the applicant must pass a background check.

The National Security Agency’s (NSA) Gifted and Talented Program– only open to high school seniors and designed for students who have demonstrated an aptitude for Engineering, Math and Science. This program provides a tremendous opportunity to gain valuable experience in the area of STEM. Applications are accepted Sept. 1-Oct. 31 of each year

U.S. Department of State Student Internship Program (unpaid) This program, for students with a minimum of 60 credit hours, provides the opportunity to work in U.S. Embassies throughout the world, as well as in various bureaus located in Washington, D.C. and at Department offices spread around the United States. This unpaid program is designed to provide substantive experiences in a Foreign Affairs environment. March 1

Families USA (paid) Interns work on national, state, and minority issues and have the opportunity to work on a variety of different projects.

Liberty’s Promise: a non-profit organization that supports young, documented immigrants to the U.S. Several programs for students ages 15-21

Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court in Arlington (unpaid) Volunteer interns, ages 18+ only

Bank of America Student Leaders Internship (PAID) High School students help community and outreach to others in service

Diversity in Vision Research & Opthalmology – The DIVRO program offers each participant the opportunity to work closely with leading research scientists in the Division of Intramural Research and provides hands-on training in a research environment that will prepare them to continue their studies and advance their careers in basic and clinical research.

National Youth Congress – Paid Selected high school youth, ages 14-18, participate in a 10 week paid internship with Arlington County Recreation Department. County staff provide hands-on opportunities for youth to work in their department. February of each year

Library of Congress A work-study opportunity for high school students to volunteer at the Library of Congress. Students must be recommended by someone at their school and be able to work during the year or on a part-time basis, usually high school seniors. Applications are accepted at any time

SUMMER INTERNSHIP in Biomedical Research (SIP) Paid Summer programs at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) provide an opportunity to spend a summer working at the NIH side-by-side with some of the leading scientists in the world, in an environment devoted exclusively to biomedical research. March 1

Student Action with Farmworkers develops the leadership of college students from diverse backgrounds, giving them the opportunity to work directly with farmworkers in the Southeast

U.S. Department of Education Fall Internships: Have you ever wondered about pursuing a federal career? Are you 16+? Interested in public service? Want to gain work experience in education issues in this country?