Paying for Parking

Meter for people with disabilities


Paying for Parking

  • Charging for parking is a well-established way to make spaces available for short visits in commercial areas.
  • Paid parking encourages efficient sharing of spaces, which turn over more frequently with more users accommodated.
  • People who hold license plates/placards for people with disabilities may park at any parking meter, not just those specially designated for people with plates/ placards.
  • Meters reserved for people with disabilities offer time limits twice as long as other meters nearby. At standard meters, people with these disabled parking plates/placards may pay for additional time up to twice the posted limit (e.g., up to 4 hours at a 2-hour meter).
  • In all other cases, it is unlawful to pay for additional time at a meter after the maximum time limit has been reached.

Parking Meter Rates & Hours

For most metered street parking, hours of enforcement extend to 8 p.m. Check signs/meters/pay stations for details.

  • Hours of Enforcement: In most areas Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; parking late evenings, Sundays and major holidays are free
  • Rates vary based on area. Use the County's public meter rate dashboard to explore meter rates and times in the metro corridors.
  • Number of Meters: More than 5,300

Ways to Pay

By Phone

We’ve partnered with Parkmobile to bring residents and visitors a mobile payment solution(PDF, 95KB) for parking at metered spaces throughout the County.

Pay-by-cell is a mobile application administered by Parkmobile and is available for iPhone and Android. The District of Columbia uses the same service, so residents and visitors don’t need to download a separate application to park when traveling between Arlington and the District.

How to Register and Use

Sign up online, download on the Apple App Store, or get it on Google Play.

  1. Park: Look for the green Parkmobile sign.
  2. Pay: Use the Parkmobile mobile app, mobile website or call 1-877-727-5730 and enter the zone number listed on the sign. Pay using credit card, PayPal or Apple Pay.
  3. Go: Head to your office, the store, lunch, or that job interview. You can even opt-in to receive a text notification 15 minutes before your parking session is set to expire.

Note: License plate numbers must be entered correctly. Include all numbers and letters when registering your vehicle. Parkmobile zone numbers must also be accurately entered when initiating parking sessions. Failure to enter complete and accurate license plate and/or zone numbers may result in the issuance of a parking citation.

At the Meter – Coins or Credit Card

There are two additional ways to pay for parking at one the County’s multi-space or single-space meters: by coin — nickels, dimes, quarters or dollar coins — or credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover).

  1. Insert coins or your credit card into the pay station and indicate the time.
  2. Push the print button for your receipt.
  3. Place the receipt face-up on the dashboard of your car.

Multispace Meter
A multispace meter.

At the Meter – Contactless Payment with Smartphone (Only Spaces Reserved for People with Disabilities)

Single-space meters at spaces reserved for people with disabilities are equipped to take payment through contactless payment systems, such as Apple Pay, Google Pay and others.

  1. Press the green [OK] button on the meter to display the symbol.png symbol on the meter’s screen.
  2. Once the symbol.pngsymbol appears, place your mobile device over the display screen to start payment.
  3. Follow the instructions on the meter screen to select the amount of time you wish to purchase and complete the transaction.