Vision Zero Safety Projects

The Vision Zero Draft Action Plan outlines various action items and strategies that result in the implementation of projects or initiatives to advance transportation safety in Arlington County. The following project pages provide more detail and status updates on these projects and initiatives of different scope and scale.

Quick-Build Projects

“Quick-build” safety projects are identified as immediate need actions that address a safety project using low cost materials and can be implemented in a short timeframe.

Capital Projects

Projects that require funding from the County’s Capital Improvement Program or grant funding sources are categorized as capital projects. These projects are typically more complex than quick-build safety projects and may include large or small-scale safety improvements. Because of their varying complexities and funding sources, the timeframe for implementation differs with each capital project. 

Pilot Projects

Sometimes there are unique safety problems or issues that traditional transportation engineering tools or practices cannot solve. In these cases, Arlington’s transportation team must think outside the box to develop and test context-appropriate solution. We call these pilot projects.

High Injury Network Safety Audits

As we developed the Vision Zero Action Plan, we identified Arlington’s Vision Zero High-Injury Network – which highlights the corridors on which critical crashes are concentrated. To begin tackling immediate safety issues along these High-Injury Network corridors, staff conduct safety audits by walking the corridor and documenting existing conditions and identifying next steps and future considerations to address safety issues.

Systemic Safety Improvements 

To help reach Vision Zero, Arlington County has adopted a "systemic" or "safe systems" safety approach to identify and address risk factors on a holistic, system-wide level.

Before & After Studies

The Vision Zero Action Plan states that we will review the efficacy of transportation safety mitigation measures by assessing conditions before and after implementation, which will inform future policies and implementation of such mitigation measures. 

Safety in Operations & Maintenance

Safety projects are sometimes identified in combination with County maintenance projects. This type of maintenance work may include repaving and sidewalk/curb ramp maintenance, traffic signal upgrades, and bus stop upgrades. These programs maintain our County’s transportation infrastructure by keeping an inventory of facilities and updating them based on need. The Vision Zero team coordinates with these programs to help prioritize maintenance needs with safety needs and ensure that new designs ensure safe and accessible transportation for the community. Below are links to ongoing maintenance programs and projects.

Completed Projects

The Vision Zero program is built on transparency and accountability. Therefore, it is important not only to communicate about what projects are coming up, but also show the work that has been accomplished. Below you can find photos and descriptions of safety projects currently in place.

Policy Projects & Initiatives

  • Stay tuned – more information coming soon!