
Purpose c1.png

Slow traffic speeds by adding a shift to the travel lane of the street.


Chicanes can be created by installing offset curb extensions on alternating sides of the street or can be created by offsetting on-street parking on alternating sides of the street. Drivers must slow down to navigate the travel lane shifts created by the offset curbs or parking. Depending on design, chicanes may also increase the amount of public space along a street for landscaping, stormwater management, or amenities like bike parking or benches.

Safety Benefits

  • Slows traffic speeds.
  • May improve driver attention to the roadway as they must navigate shifts in the travel lane.

View locations where this tool is installed in Arlington County

Street Types and Context

Applicable Street Types

Chicanes are applicable to local minor streets.

Other Location Guidance 

Chicanes should be used on roadways with a maximum of two travel lanes and should be avoided on bus routes, truck routes, and major bike routes.

Primary User Groups


Key Implementation Considerations

  • Chicanes may reduce the number of on-street parking spaces.
  • Signage and striping around chicanes can help ensure that drivers are aware of a shift in the travel lane.
  • Plantings within chicanes should be low vegetation or trees with high canopies to maintain visibility.
  • Chicanes may have adverse effects on drainage along the roadway. If this is a concern, chicanes may be designed as edge islands with a 1–2-foot gap from the curb.

Expected Crash Reduction

Speed reduction by 4%. One study found chicanes to reduce crashes resulting in injured pedestrians by 40% (Distefano & Leonardi, 2019)



Typically, a low to medium cost treatment. Utility relocation and designing for adequate drainage can increase the cost of implementation.



Typically, chicanes can be implemented within one to three years. Quick-build approaches using temporary materials for curb extensions or creating an alternating parking scheme are low-cost options for testing out the treatment in a short timeframe.

