Speed-Related Signage or Pavement Markings

Purpose srs1.png

Manage driver speeds for the safety of all road users.


Speed limits are used to set the maximum speed at which vehicles may legally travel. In Arlington, speed limits are defined by an engineering study and roadway context. Speed limit signs and supplemental pavement markings serve as reminders for drivers.

Because drivers base their speeds on the flow of traffic and posted speeds, lower posted speeds influence how fast drivers choose to travel.

In Arlington, drivers violating the posted speed limit in identified zones are subject to an additional fine up to $200. Some residential streets, including Principal Arterial, Minor Arterial, and Local Principal Streets that meet certain criteria, have a $200 additional speeding fine zone. Factors such as proximity to schools, parks, and other pedestrian generators, as well as pedestrian and bicycle crashes are additional considerations for identifying the $200 additional speeding fine zones

Safety Benefits

  • Increase driver awareness of the posted speed limit.
  • Reduce occurrence and severity of all crashes.

Street Types and Context

Applicable Street Types

Signage is applicable in all street types in all contexts. Speed-related pavement markings are typically applied at a transition from an arterial to a local facility or within slow zones.

Other Location Guidance

Speed-related signage can be considered for all roadways. Lower posted speeds are especially effective at reducing pedestrian crash risk in areas of high expected activity, such as:

  • Near schools.
  • Commercial areas or business districts.
  • Near senior living centers.
  • Residential neighborhoods.

Primary User Groups


Key Implementation Considerations

  • All speed signage must meet federal standards.
  • Signs are typically placed adjacent to the roadway but may also be placed in medians and adjacent to the roadway to create a gateway for increased recognition.

Expected Crash Reduction

An estimate has not yet been determined for this treatment; however, research indicates a significant reduction in fatal and injury crashes in certain cases (Gayah et al. 2018).



Cost for signs and pavement markings are typically in the low to moderate range.



Less than one year to three years
