22202 Transportation and Planning Data – Planning Spectrum

The County coordinates transportation, land use planning and development activities in a comprehensive and holistic manner at four distinct levels: regional, countywide, areas/sectors/corridors and individual sites. The decision making and planning that occurs at each level are influenced by and help to inform the other levels in an ongoing, iterative process.

Within the spectrum, as the size of the planning area gets smaller, the level of planning detail increases.

For instance, at the regional level the entire metropolitan region is considered, but only the regionally servicing roadways and transportation networks are analyzed. In comparison, the review of site plans involve a much finer level of detail where only the project site and transportation networks within close proximity are reviewed. The review of site plans is also guided by the County’s Comprehensive Plan and applicable sector plans for the area. For this effort and reporting, staff has gathered and presented information from across this spectrum.

Transportation and Development Planning Spectrum