GLUP Amendments and Special GLUP Studies

The General Land Use Plan (GLUP) is the primary policy guide for development in Arlington. Modifications to the GLUP may be requested in the form of an amendment or study.

GLUP Amendments

A GLUP amendment can be requested to accommodate the development of property.

GLUP Amendment Submission Requirements

  • The following materials must be submitted in the form of a letter with accompanying graphics, if necessary:
    • Property location and size
    • Current and proposed GLUP designations for site and surrounding sites
    • Current and proposed Zoning designations for site and surrounding sites
    • Transportation information; proximity to transit, potential new streets or connections, existing vehicle counts on all frontages and pedestrian counts
    • Other information necessary for staff analysis, to be determined by staff based on the particular site

Special GLUP Studies

Special GLUP Study(PDF, 58KB) is needed in instances when a GLUP amendment request has been made where there is no adopted plan or when the request is inconsistent with the guidance of the relevant adopted plan, per the Special GLUP Study Resolution.

Special GLUP Studies - Details & Process

Application and Fees
  • To submit a Special GLUP Study Application you need to select Planning Application from the Create drop-down menu. You need to create an account to submit an application.
  • To view and pay the application fee, go to the Fee Schedules webpage.
Process Overview
  • Review the Special GLUP Study Process Administrative Guide (June 2019)
  • Tier 1 Initial Reviews follow a spring and fall review schedule, as described in the Special GLUP Study Process document. Scheduling of Tier 2 Initial Reviews is determined by the Planning Division’s work plan and staff resources.
  • Special GLUP Studies are discussed publicly through the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC).
    • The LRPC for Special GLUP Studies is made up of representatives from the Planning Commission and invited representatives from other stakeholder groups, including other County commissions that have key insights into the proposed amendment (e.g., Transportation Commission, Housing Commission), surrounding civic associations, and other community groups, businesses, or stakeholders that may be directly impacted by any potential land use change.
  • Other community members and interested parties may attend LRPC meetings to observe LRPC discussions and share their input via online engagement opportunities on study recommendations at key milestones in the process. All public input is considered when developing the final study recommendations.
  • Community members can sign up for updates on individual studies, including meetings and online engagement opportunities, via the study webpage (linked below). 

Special GLUP Study Submission Requirements

  • Statement of Justification, including a narrative and exhibits, describing the following:
    • The property location and size;
    • Current and proposed GLUP designations for site and surrounding sites;
    • Current and proposed zoning designations for site and surrounding sites; and
    • A detailed explanation and justification for the requested GLUP designation, including consistency with a relevant Sector or Area Plan (if applicable), consistency with surrounding properties and any other land use considerations applicable to the project site for staff consideration.
  • Transportation information, including a narrative and exhibits – proximity to transit, potential new streets or connections, existing counts on all frontages, pedestrian counts; and
  • Other information necessary for staff analysis, to be determined in consultation with staff based on the site.

Tier I Review – In Progress

1320 N. Courthouse Road
A request was submitted to amend the GLUP to expand the Courthouse Sector Plan Addendum: Courthouse Square boundary on the GLUP to include the property in coordination with a future site plan application.

6045 Wilson Blvd. 
A request was submitted for the subject property located at 6045 Wilson Blvd. to change the GLUP designation from “Service Commercial” to “Low-Medium” Residential with an associated rezoning from C-1 and R-6 to RA8-18.

Tier II Review – In Progress

  • No studies

Past Special GLUP Studies

Click here for list of past studies


GLUP Studies Map

This map displays completed Special GLUP Studies. Enter an address, use your location, or choose "show map options" to filter by category. Once you've selected options, click Search to update the map. 

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