HPMP Update: Process, Scope, & Timeline

Arlington County is working with a team of consultants to prepare the first official update to its Historic Preservation Master Plan (HPMP) and conduct community engagement around this project.

Broadly, the update process will entail:

  1.  A detailed analysis of the existing HPMP;
  2.  A thorough examination of the historic preservation planning efforts, successes, and challenges since the plan’s 2006 adoption; and
  3.  Targeted outreach to stakeholder groups and the general community.

Research, fieldwork, and community engagement will yield a written report that analyzes Arlington County’s historic preservation successes achieved since the original HPMP and identifies any shortcomings, unfulfilled goals, or new opportunities. That analysis will inform new and/or revised historic preservation goals and recommendations for their implementation.

The HPMP update will address eight major plan elements, plus other key considerations. Learn more in the project scope.


Phase 1: Existing Conditions/Education/Virtual Engagement

Milestone Date
Staff kick-off meeting with consultant team May 2020
Stakeholder interviews July-Aug. 2020
Familiarization tour of Arlington (for consultants) Mid-Sept. 2020
Online engagement opportunity Oct.-Nov. 2020
Community kick-off (virtual) Nov. 16, 2020

Phase 2: Community Engagement/Recommendations/Plan Update

Milestone Date
Begin Phase 2 Jan. 2021
 Ongoing "Give Us Five" engagement opportunity Feb. 2021 - present
Summary of Existing Conditions March 2021
Summary of Progress on 2006 HPMP March 2021
 Focus Group Meetings  Summer 2021
 Outreach Week   Nov./Dec. 2021
 Online feedback form engagement  Nov./Dec. 2021
 Updated County Significance Statement & Neighborhood Character  Jan. 2022
 Updated Goals Statement  Jan. 2022
 Anticipated end of Phase 2  2023