Owning a Historic Property

Owning a historic building is a source of pride and also is an important responsibility. In order to protect the integrity of a historic property, the owner needs to maintain it in a manner that respects its historic characteristics. Owners may choose to seek historic designation or access financial and planning tools that can help protect the building’s future.

Why Designate a Historic Property

Students at Reaing Elizabeth Marker

Learn about the different types of historic designation, the benefits of historic designation and the advantages of becoming an Arlington Historic District.

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Making Changes to Your Historic Building

Alterations being made to a historic building

Exterior alterations, new construction and demolition requests in Arlington Historic Districts require approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness and must go before the Design Review Committee and the Historical Affairs and Landmark Review Board.

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Preservation Guidelines

Home under construction

We developed The Maywood Homeowners Handbook: Design Guidelines, which explains requirements for exterior alternations, additions and new buildings in this historic district; and the Ashton Heights Style Guide, which provides voluntary recommendations for protecting the neighborhood’s historic character. Both resources can help homeowners in any neighborhood learn about maintaining their historic homes.

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Researching Your Historic Property

Old documents in a folder

Researching a historic property is similar to a genealogy search and is equally rewarding. Learn how to get started and where to look for information.

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Preservation Planning & Financial Tools

Old historical documents

Properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places or the Virginia Landmarks Register may be eligible for federal and/or state historic rehabilitation tax credits. Property owners in Arlington also may seek easements or Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) to protect their historic buildings.

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Preserving Heritage Trees

Photo of Maywood in 1962

Learn how to avoid leaf discoloration and wilt, combat oak decline, and otherwise protect and preserve mature trees on your property.

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