The purpose of this phase of work is to develop preliminary ideas and scenarios to open the door to meaningful discussions with the community, and to make informed decisions on which ideas seem most promising and will help fulfill planning goals. The scenarios examine various land use mixes, heights, and densities within the Core Study Area (commercial and multifamily properties) and abutting Residential Edges. The scenarios help to understand the impacts of different types of development and ways to achieve additional community improvements, other than what would be provided through by-right development following existing zoning regulations.
The scenarios explore different ways that the County and the private sector can work together to help achieve the community’s aspirations and County goals (i.e. improvements to Langston Blvd., affordable housing, stormwater management, open space, street grid expansion, enhanced walkability and bicycle access, etc.).
The 2016 Visioning Study, Existing Conditions Analysis, and previous community feedback informed the creation of the preliminary land use scenarios. The Planning Team now has a better understanding of the challenges to be addressed in each area.
The scenarios are not alternatives, and the County is not asking the community to choose one of the scenarios. The Planning Team wants to understand what the community likes and doesn’t like about the scenarios, and to clarify what the priorities are, because it is likely that some compromises may be needed.