A key driver of the process thus far has been achieving the greatest amount of contiguous and usable open space. The School Board’s decision to locate a new school on the Wilson site significantly reduced the County’s ability for a major increase in open space while meeting site goals.
Today, the community has access to about 25,000 square feet of usable open space (basketball court, tot lot and passive areas); there is an additional 5,000 square feet of parking. The current draft concept plan provides about 30,000 square feet of open space on a new plaza and County park. The design of that space will be determined through a separate public process with broad community input. The “plaza” could consist predominantly of green space and/or recreational uses.
All scenarios also include a synthetic field and indoor athletic facilities on the school site that would be available for community use much of the time. The County has reinforced the importance of establishing firm commitment from Arlington Public Schools for access to those facilities.