Arlington's Transportation Future

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Launched in October 2024, Arlington’s Transportation Future is a County initiative to develop a refreshed Transportation Plan, to replace the 2007 Master Transportation PlanWith this plan, Arlington will be better positioned to fulfill our commitments to safety, equity, accessibility, ease of use, and climate resiliency and address the transportation needs for both current and future residents. The plan will serve as the Transportation Element of the County’s Comprehensive Plan, guiding community investment in the coming decades and ensuring that Arlington continues to be a place where people want to live, businesses choose to locate, and visitors come to enjoy.

What Will the Plan Include?

  • A vision and goals for the future of transportation in Arlington
  • Policies and strategies that will guide future decision-making and help us achieve our goals
  • A guide for prioritizing improvements to Arlington streets based on safety, equity, accessibility, and other needs
  • The integration of other Board-adopted County plans, programs, and initiatives

What Will the Plan Provide?

  • A cohesive transportation plan that integrates the six modal elements (bicycle, transportation demand and system management, parking and curb space management, pedestrian, streets, and transit) of the 2007 Master Transportation Plan
  • A new framework for transportation planning and decision-making that will set clear expectations and develop a shared understanding of priorities and tradeoffs



The plan will be developed in four phases from fall 2024 to 2026. In the first three phases, you’ll be able to share your thoughts through questionnaires, in-person public events, and online tools. The final phase will be Board adoption of the Plan. Public participation will ensure the plan reflects the unique transportation needs and preferences of our community.

Transportation Plan Timeline graphic

Contact the Team

Project Manager

Kristin Calkins

Media Inquiries

Claudia Pors

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