Sanitary Sewer System Plan

Sanitary Maintenance Vehicle

The Sanitary Sewer Collection System Plan(PDF, 8MB) (adopted February 2024) guides future programs to maintain the gravity sewer system such that it continues to operate reliably as a valuable County resource. Ongoing programs and past Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) investments and enhancements by the County have provided sewer infrastructure that is in overall good condition to serve the needs of the residents and ensure continuous service. This plan informs future investments required in both the utility operating budgets and the CIP.

The 2024 sanitary sewer plan update includes the development of a dynamic hydraulic model of all pipes within the County’s 459-mile gravity sanitary sewer collection system to evaluate the system’s capacity under existing and projected 2045 conditions. Overall, the Sanitary Sewer Collection System has adequate capacity for planned growth. Specific areas in the system that are under capacity for existing and future peak flows have been identified and addressed as part of the plan.


There are several maintenance projects and programs to ensure that the sanitary sewer system continues to operate effectively and efficiently, and to renew the aging infrastructure.

View Sewer maintenance projects and programs.