Winter 2025: Crews finished the installation of two underground storage tanks, the stormwater management structure, and EV charging infrastructure, with continued work on the parking lot and landscaping.
Fall 2024: Crews began installing the two underground storage tanks, stormwater management structure, and EV charging infrastructure.
Summer 2024: Phase 2 of the project began, starting with the removal of the temporary bay structure.
June 25, 2024: The Fire Department moved in and began operating from the new building.
Spring 2024: Phase 1 of the project was completed.
Winter 2024: Most of the interior finishes were completed at the end of 2023. Crews neared the end of Phase 1 activities, including installing sidewalks, curbs, and gutters.
Fall 2023: The brickwork on the exterior of the building was completed. Crews installed the exterior metal panels, water main, the gas line, and worked on the stormwater vaults and traffic signal. Inside the building, crews installed the ceiling grid, lighting, mechanical grilles, sprinkler heads, and flooring.
Summer 2023:The contractor installed the brick façade, interior drywall, and stairwell guardrails, and laid the gas, water, and sewer lines from the building to the street. Installation of the exterior windows and solar panels on the roof were completed. Construction of the stormwater detention systems and the addition of the apparatus bay doors and exterior metal panels occurred in July.
Spring 2023: Crews enclosed the building, completed the roofing, and installed windows and the green roof. Work continued on the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing rough-in.
Winter 2023: Work on enclosing the building, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing rough-in. Installation of block walls, brickwork, metal studs, and insulation.
December 2, 2022: A topping out celebration was held to recognize the completion of the steel framing.
November 2022: Installation of the steel columns, beams and second floor metal decking.
September – October 2022: Crews worked on the footings and foundation of the new Fire Station 8 structure and continued laying the underground piping for the building's electrical, plumbing, and other systems. They poured the floor concrete and laid some masonry.
August 2022: Crews worked on the foundation of the new structure, including digging for the building’s footings, setting reinforcing bar, and pouring the footings. After this, the foundation walls were poured. Crews also laid underground piping for the building’s electrical, plumbing, and other systems.
May – June 2022: Demolition on the Fire Station 8 structure began the week of May 2 and finished in June 2022.