Barcroft #6 Athletic Field Lighting Upgrade


4200 South Four Mile Run Dr, Arlington, VA   View Map

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In Design

Following the engagement, George Washington University will seek a Special Use Permit to replace and improve the athletic field lighting at Barcroft Park Field # 6.

About the Project

The current lighting system at the field does not meet the NCAA Broadcast Standards and limits their ability to host night games and host A-10 Division Tournament or NCAA regional games. The proposed upgrade would replace all poles and 2 foundations (8 poles total). The pole heights will remain the same.

George Washington University (GW) Baseball has called Barcroft Park home since 1993. Since that time the University and Arlington County have built the facility into one of the premiere baseball stadiums in the region. As part of the Permissive Use Agreement between GWU and Arlington County, GW may replace/upgrade any or all field lighting. These Costs will be 100% the responsibility of GW.

Project Goals:

  • Improve athletic field lighting to improve the game day experience and allow the facility to meet NAA Broadcast Standards and host A-10 Division Tournament or NCAA regional Games.
  • Reduce the impact of the field lighting on the community. Through these improvements the technology will significantly reduce light spill and more directly light the athletic facilities.


Project Background

The National Park Service (NPS) and Arlington County will develop a low-impact, flood-resistant riverfront boat storage facility and launching site, including a boathouse facility and floating docks for nonmotorized boats. The facility will be located along the Potomac River shoreline in Arlington, Virginia south of the Key Bridge, east of the parkway and north of the existing Theodore Roosevelt Island parking lot.

Site access will be predominantly by transit, including both Metrorail and bus, by bicycle, and on foot. The project will be master planned to include two potential sites, colloquially called the “Lower Rosslyn” (owned by the NPS) and “Upper Rosslyn” (owned by Arlington County) sites. The “Lower Rosslyn” site would provide approximately 14,000 square feet of boat storage and additional space for a rigging area/apron. The space would be split with some of the space reserved for scholastic teams and the remaining for community users. Support facilities (for example, offices or locker rooms) may be explored (if the “Upper Rosslyn” site is not provided); however, additional facilities may be available at this location and instead would be considered for an approximately 7,000 sq. ft. ancillary facility at the County-Owned “Upper Rosslyn” site. A path would link the rigging area/apron to a 300-foot-long floating dock for launching rowing shells and other paddlecraft.

The County is currently coordinating the procurement process for the master plan development of both the “Upper and Lower” Rosslyn sites (as delineated within the National Park Service (NPS) Arlington County and Vicinity Boathouse Environmental Assessment). The County Board-adopted FY2023-32 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) provides design funding allowing the County to develop a boathouse.


About the Process

Click the drop downs below to explore the details and resources throughout the project process.

XXX 2025 - Feedback on Existing Conditions and Use

Level of Engagement: Involve

During this time the project team will share information about the project scope and gather the first round of community feedback. Sign up for updates on this webpage to be the first to know when engagement #1 kicks off. 

XXX 2025 - Feedback on Draft Concepts

Level of Engagement: Involve

The project team will provide draft concept designs based off of feedback from the first engagement. Community members will be encouraged to share their feedback. 

XXX 2025 - Final Draft Design Feedback

Level of Engagement: Consult

The project team will share the final draft design for final comments from the community. 

Spring/Summer 2025 - County Board Action on Park Master Plan and Design Guidelines

Level of Engagement- Communicate

The County Board will consider the construction bid for approval. 

Fall 2025 (Projected) - Construction Begins

Level of Engagement- Communicate

Winter 2025 (Projected) - Construction Ends

Level of Engagement- Communicate



Partnership funding and Parks Maintenance Capital