Kenmore Field Conversion


200 S Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington, VA   View Map

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In Design

Project team is working on information gathering and concept development.

About the Project

This project involves conversion of two natural grass athletic fields to synthetic turf to allow for more play during more hours and through more weather conditions.

Project Goals

  • Update field space to accommodate combination fields and standardize field sizing
  • Provide improved sports amenities
  • Access improvements along 2nd Street S.
  • Replace lighting with upgraded LED technology
  • Add seating, walkways, circulation, ADA accessibility, and stormwater management


About the Process

Summer 2024 - Feedback on Existing Uses and Draft Concept

Level of Engagement: Involve

From July 11 to August 2, 2024, the community gave feedback using an online form. Respondents reviewed a draft concept. They also shared how they use the field now and how they would like to use it in the future. 779 people responded and shared 573 comments.

Fall 2024 - Final Draft Design Feedback

Level of Engagement: Consult

The project team will share the final draft design for final comments. 

Fall 2025 - County Board Action

Level of Engagement- Communicate

The County Board will consider the construction bid for approval. 

Winter 2025/2026 - Construction Begins

Level of Engagement- Communicate

Spring 2027 (Projected) - Construction Complete

Construction is anticipated to take 12 months, however it will be further defined during the design phase.



Capital Improvement Plan