Lighting Pilot Program for Parks in Urban Areas



About the Project

The 2019 Public Spaces Master Plan calls for Arlington County to expand and add recreational facilities and activate existing public spaces. One step towards this goal is for the Department of Parks and Recreation to implement a two-year pilot program to test out lighting and extended hours in new urban park areas. 

At this time, the following parks will be included in the pilot program when they open. The County may add other new parks if they open during the two-year pilot.

Project Background

The County has analyzed new parks in urban areas to help determine how they could accommodate extended lighting hours until 11 p.m. The following criteria was identified:

  • Parks that are located in one of the County’s primary planning corridors or where the County Board has adopted specific land-use policies to guide development.
  • Parks that are on a major roadway or provide pedestrian and bicycle access to Metro or other transportation hubs.
  • Parks that host evening events and programming.

This pilot program will only affect new parks in urban areas that meet the above criteria and are opened within a two-year period. (Existing parks will continue to follow DPR Rules & Regulations, which state that they are open from sunrise to sunset, except in parks that have lighted facilities, which have their own established curfews.)

This Lighting Pilot Program began January 2022. It was evaluated in late 2023 and adjusted accordingly. The County anticipates using the experience gained from this pilot to work with the Public Space Master Plan Implementation Advisory Committee to develop a comprehensive approach to lighting all parks and plazas in Arlington to ensure consistency and equity throughout the County.