Rosslyn Highlands Park +


1579 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209  View Map




Start Date (Planning): 3rd Quarter 2015

End Date (Planning): 1st Quarter 2016

Start Date (Construction): 3rd Quarter 2018

End Date (Construction): 4th Quarter 2021

About the Project

Rosslyn Highlands Park + is a dynamic park in the heart of Rosslyn. The park is one component of an even bigger project that includes a school, residential and office development.

In the fall of 2015, Arlington County worked with the community to develop a conceptual plan for a new Rosslyn Highlands Park and the other public spaces associated with the Western Rosslyn Area Plan (WRAPS).

These spaces include an open space at the NE corner of 18th and Quinn Streets and related spaces.

The RHP+ Coordinated Open Space Plan guided the design and construction of the park spaces.  Staff appreciates the many contributions made by community members and users of the park.  

About the Process

There will be many opportunities for public input, including community workshops, public meetings and online engagement. The full project timeline is displayed in the graphic below.

RHP timeline_1.12.16(PNG, 91KB)

Past Meetings

Three community meetings have been held. Park users, community members and other stakeholders attended and helped develop concept alternatives.  See past meeting notes below.

County Board Presentation January 26


Community Open House: December 10

Open House Boards and Proposed Concept

Urban Forestry Commission: November 19

Presentation to Urban Forestry Commission

Parks and Recreation Commission: November 17

Presentation to Parks and Recreation Commission

Community Meeting #1: September 29
Establish park vision and community priorities.
Meeting #1 Agenda 

Meeting #1 Presentation(PDF, 14MB)

Community Meeting #2: October 20
Consider concept alternatives.
Meeting #2 Agenda

Meeting #2 Presentation

Community Meeting #3: November 9
Refine single concept.

Meeting #3 Presentation

Stay tuned to this project page for ways to participate throughout the planning process.

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Additional Information


Developer or Privately Funded