Powhatan Springs Skate Park Shade Structure Installation


6020 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA   View Map

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A new building permit has been issued and the work has been contracted out. The footings will be uncovered, and the posts will be cleaned and painted before installing the fabric structure between the posts.


About the Project

Project Goals:

  • The second shade structure will provide welcome shade to a portion of the skate park. Concrete skate parks are at the pinnacle of skate park design but can become very hot during the summer months.


Project Background

Three oversized residential lots totaling a little more than five acres were purchased circa 1997 for use as a public park. A master plan was prepared and approved by the County Board for Powhatan Springs Park. A design process was initiated which led to construction of the park. The park was opened to the public Labor Day 2004. With it came the County’s first and only skate park for wheeled devices, including skateboards, inline skated, scooters and BMX bikes. After more than a decade of love and use, the skate park was replaced with a slightly enlarged new skate park. The beloved bowls were replaced with new bowls retaining pool coping and pool tiles and many exciting new skate features for both old school skaters and street skaters.

The new skate park also incorporated two shade structures into the revamped skate park. One of these shade structures was installed but the other could not be because it was found to be in violation of the front-yard setback required for the facility. Since that time, revisions to the zoning ordinance have occurred which now allow the second shade structure to be installed. This project will install this last feature of the revamped skate park. The posts and fabric have remained on-site in storage since 2019. The footings were installed in 2019. The color of the shade structure fabric is a royal blue, the same as the shade fabric existing within the skate park.


About the Process

Click the dropdowns below to explore details of the project process.

TBD - Construction Begins

Level of Engagement- Communicate



Capital Improvement Plan